User:Magill/Editing - misc information
A collection of pointers to editing information I keep trying to find.
- Help:Manual of Style
- Help:Editing
- Article Management Tags
- Category:Article Management Tags
- Category:Stubs
- MediaWiki:Common.css - lotro-wiki master css page
- MediaWiki:Common.js - lotro-wiki master Javascript page
- [[User:Magill/vector.js]] -- private javascript page
- User:Magill/vector.css -- private CSS page (should be empty)
- User:Eleazaros/tagger.js
- User:Eleazaros/Skins
W3C Markup Validation
- Note that this is HTML/HTML5 validation, not WikiMarkup validation.
External links
Misc Syntax
- use: {{subst:PAGENAME}} instead of {{PAGENAME}}
- If "the infobox box" winds up on left -- check the value of "disambigpage" = actual page name. Best to use |disambigpage = {{Subst:PAGENAME}}
- {{Item:Luminous Spirit Stone|mode=imlink|amount=2}} 2
Luminous Spirit Stone
- {{:Item:Luminous Spirit Stone|mode=imlink}}
Luminous Spirit Stone
- {{Reward | Item name | amount}}
- Syntax for color and font size:
- This: {{Color|orange| done) }} produces this: done)
- So does this: {{TextColor|done)|orange}} produces this:
TextColor|done)|orange - <div style="font-size:150%"> <span style="color:red">'''Volume III: Book II: Ride of the Grey Company'''</span> </div>
- Volume III: Book II: Ride of the Grey Company
- <span style="font-size:125%">'''Volume III: Book II: Ride of the Grey Company'''</span>
- Volume III: Book II: Ride of the Grey Company
- <span style="font-size:125%">'''Volume III: Book II: Ride of the Grey Company'''</span>
Wiki directives
- {{Delete Page}}
- #Redirect: [[Correct Name]]
- {{Move}} {{Move|The Correct Image Name-icon.png}}
- __NOTOC__ {{Toc-right}} __TOC__
- {{Stub/Beta | I am (not) Magill!}}
- {{Stub/Expansion}}
- {{Stub/Quest}}
- {{Stub/Construction|[[User_talk:Magill]]}}
<categorytree mode=pages style="width:300px; margin:5px; border:1px solid; background:transparent; padding:0.7ex;">Category of what you want to see</categorytree>
<categorytree depth="0" hideprefix="always"> Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath Titles</categorytree>
<!-- An example of hidden comments This won't be visible except in "edit" mode. -->
Standard signature as used on Preferences page for ~~~~ insertion --
A couple of signatures full of markup from Media-wiki talk pages.
- — A. di M. <span style="background:#00ae00;white-space:nowrap;color:black;font:600 1em 'Gentium Book Basic', serif">— A. di M.</span>]]
- Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC talk 22:06, 6 February 2013 (EST)
Assorted talk page boxes and graphics
Some interesting ideas From: Help:Using talk pages
Sometimes it is necessary to display a sentence or paragraph from the article on the talk page so that other editors can easily understand what is being discussed.
The following template was never implemented on LOTRO wiki, but comes from the main Wiki site. : An easy way to do this is to use the {{tl|Quotation}} or {{tl|Quote}} templates. Write <tt><nowiki>{{quotation|Quoted passage from the article.}} to produce Template:Quotation</nowiki>
- {{Quotation|quoted text| Who said it| Source}} (Creates the above box.)
- {{Quote|quoted text| Who said it| Source, page ___}} (Indented with no box, make Source in italics.)
- {{Quote|quoted text| Source, page __}} (Indented with no box.)
- Instead, use <ref> ...</noref> and <References/>
See: Help:Citation
<ref> check </ref> Reference for one === References ===
Boxes – general
Plain box (can also be used in article):
- Colored box (green – talk page only):
<div class="boilerplate" style="background-color: #efe; margin: 2em 0 0 0; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; border: 1px dotted #aaa;">'''Put copied and pasted quoted text from article here.'''</div>
- Make a <pre> box wrap text
- <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; color:red;">
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. And so does this additional sentence -- make the text even longer still. Son of bugbear -- I've been looking for how to do this for ages!!!
Talk page graphics:
Note: not implemented on lotro-wiki!
As best I can see, only these characters require encoding:
sp | ! | " | , | ' | ; | < | > | ? | [ | ] |
%20 | %21 | %22 | %2c | %3a | %3b | %3c | %3e | %3f | %5b | %5d |
For example, contrary to documentation, the caret does not need encoding:^
The apostrophe really applies to sequential use, as it gets parsed as wikimarkup:
The pipe automatically gets encoded:
Partial (selective) transcludes
- Source Document:
- <onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|SECTIONNAME}}}|SECTIONNAME|
- End each such transcludable section with:
- }}</onlyinclude>
- Destination document:
- {{PAGENAME|transcludesection=SECTIONNAME}}
- Source Document:
- <noinclude>, <onlyinclude>, and <includeonly> are tags in the wiki software that let us control what information gets copied. In the case of The Shire, most of the article is between <noinclude> and </noinclude> tags, meaning that all of that information won't get copied into Eriador, just the introductory paragraph.
From Sethladan
noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude definitions This page contains various notes, both for my own use and in preparation for compiling a more thorough guide to wiki editing on Lotro-Wiki. The information here may or may not make sense to anyone but me! No promises that anything will actually work as written.
- noinclude: The content is displayed on the original page only but not transcluded to other pages.
- includeonly: The content is not displayed on the original page, but is transcluded to other pages.
- onlyinclude: This is the complicated one - if a page contains onlyinclude, then ONLY content within those tags is considered for transclusion (although multiple sets of onlyinclude will all be considered). Content inside onlyinclude will still appear on the main page.
Thus: noinclude and includeonly are mutually exclusive, while onlyinclude limits what can be transcluded.
Places in lotro-wiki I can never remember
MP (Ettenmoors) specific
- Watch the inconsistent spelling, capitalization and spaces!!!
- Template:infobox MP-NPC
- Template:infobox MP Mob
- Template:infobox MP Quest
- Template:infobox MP Titles
- Template:WBMDetail -- Detail line for Warband Maneuver tables
- Template:WBMHeader
- Category: Ettenmoors Location Images
- Wikipedia: How to edit a page
- Wikipedia: Cheatsheet - frequently used commands
- Wikipedia: markup page - All editing commands
:: {| class="altRowsMed" style="text-align:right; width:725px;" :: {|class="sortable altRowsMed centerTable" width="600px" ! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Unsortable
{| class="altRowsMed collapsible collapsed" style="text-align:left; width:500px;" ! style="text-align:left; width=400px;" colspan="2" | [[File:Westfold Tailor Recipe-icon.png]] Westfold Tailor Recipes Tier 7 |-
This is a test table here |
| followed by this text afterward. |
<table style="background-color: #fafeff"><tr><td>This is a test table here</td><td> <table height=11px><tr><td style="border: 1px solid black; font-size:60%">HELLO WORLD</td></tr></table> <td>followed by this text afterward.<t/d></tr></table>
To create a box (table) to outline a quote use: style="border: 1px solid black;"
- For boxing quotes use:
:{| style="border: 1px solid black;" |'''Originally posted by Vyvyanne:''' |- | 5 US and 5 EU is correct. |- |}
- <div style=" display:block; height:150px; overflow:auto; border: 1px dashed gray; padding: 10px 5px 50px 10px;">
To make a box of text, surrounded by a dotted line, with a scroll bar use the html division code above. Don't forget </dev> at the end of the text.
Scrolling table
'''Values:''' <div style="width: 75%; height:20em; overflow:auto; border: 1px solid;"> :{| class="altRowsMed" style="text-align:center;" ! style="width:45px;" | ! colspan=3 |Common (Main-hand) Damage . . . etc . . .
Common (Main-hand) Damage Common (Off-hand) Damage Every 2 seconds for 10 seconds Level T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 1 6 - 7 NA2 NA3 NA1 NA2 NA3 NA1 NA2 NA3 2 7 - 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Auto level to 5 5 16 - 22 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 13 - 18 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 17 - 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8 23 - 25 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9 1xx - xxx 2xx - xxx 3xx - xxx 21x - xxx 22x - xxx 23x - xxx 31x - xxx 32x - xxx 33x - xxx
browser stuf f
Tolkien References
- Tolkiengateway
- Wikipedia Middle Earth Portal
- The Encyclopedia of Arda
- wika
- The Grey Havens
- Map of Middle Earth from Simillrion - Christopher Tolkien - Chris Taylor - Willy Croezen
- caves tunnels and passes
- Wilipedia Middle-earth portal
- - Lua site