User:Gloomli/Gust of Wind/Traits 2
Trait Interactions
Master of Nature's Fury trait tree
Mighty Wind trait makes this skill have up to a 100% chance to upgrade
Smouldering Embers if the effect is already present on the targeted enemies, as well as apply the first stack on enemies who don't already have it.
Ancient Fire trait makes this skill have up to a 100% chance to upgrade Smouldering Embers if the effect is already present on the targeted enemies (stacks with Mighty Wind).
Dry Kindling trait allows Smouldering Embers to be upgraded up to 2 times.
Slow Burn trait increases the duration of Smouldering Embers by up to 6s.
Master of the Elements set bonus makes this skill apply Brittle Frost when following a Fire Skill, and Flash Frozen when following a Lightning Skill. It also makes a Frost skill used right after Burning Gale apply Brittle Frost to the enemy target(s). The damage of this skill is increased by 10%.
Quickening Flame set bonus makes Burning Gale tier up the Quickened Flame effect up to 3 times.
Fire Shield trait makes Burning Gale have a 25% chance to apply Fire Shield to the Lore-master.
Master of Fire trait increases the fire damage of Burning Gale by up to 25%.
The Ancient Master trait tree
Specializing in this trait tree increases the fire damage of Burning Gale by 20%.
The Ancient Master trait makes this skill consume 1 stack of Ancient Master to become empowered.
Force of Will trait increases the durations of Slow Burn and Brittle Frost by up to 15 seconds each.