Update 28.3 - Wednesday January 20, 2021
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Update 28.3 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 28.3, released on Wednesday, January 20th, 2021.
News and Notes:
- Physical Mastery and Tactical Mastery values on Legendary Item Titles are being increased across all tiers.
- Note: These changes to bartered Scrolls of Empowerment will not affect items that have already been acquired:
- Scrolls of Empowerment available to barter from the Dol Amroth Quartermaster will now cap at max-tier 44.
- Scrolls of Empowerment available to barter from Narnaith in Minas Tirith will cap at max-tier 59.
- Scrolls of Empowerment available to barter from the Rangers of Ithilien Quartermaster will cap at max-tier 59.
- The newly added Quest "Scrolls of Empowerment for Host of the West Silver Pieces (Daily)" awards 1 Scroll of Empowerment - Max Tier 59 in exchange for 50 Host of the West Silver Pieces.
- The newly added Quest "Scrolls of Empowerment for Host of the West Silver Pieces (Weekly)" awards 3 Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 59 in exchange for 100 Host of the West Silver Pieces.
- Quest "Restoring the Three Kingdoms" now awards 3 Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 69.
- Quest "Protecting the Beornings" now awards 2 Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79.
- Quest "Protecting the Elves" now awards 2 Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79.
- Quest "Protecting the Woodmen" now awards 2 Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79.
- The quest "March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily)" now awards 2 Scrolls of Empowerment with a max-tier cap of 83.
- The quest "The War Effort: Threats to the Battlefield" now awards 3 Scrolls of Empowerment with a max-tier cap of 83.
- Tradeable, unbound reputation granting tokens now have appropriate region quests gating their usage.
- Small Reputation Accelerator Tomes offered on Skirmish Vendors now Bind to account on acquire. Note: This change in binding to bartered Small Reputation Accelerator Tomes will not affect items that have already been acquired.
- If you have completed the appropriate tiered instance deed, you can now barter for gear from Amdân Dammul, the Bloody Threshold and Shakalush, the Stair Battle. Barter vendors can be found at the bottom of the steps in Annâk-khurfu, and will accept Embers of Enchantment in exchange for gear.
- The rare Three Peaks jewellery from Amdân Dammul, the Bloody Threshold and Shakalush, the Stair Battle now correctly binds to account instead of character when acquired.
Monster Play
- General ratings for Creeps have been toned down slightly to bring them more in line with the average Free Player.
- Several creep mitigations and mitigation buffs have been reduced (varies by class).
- Warleader heals have been improved.
- Defiler heals have been reduced.
- Creep area of effect healing has been reverted to affect Warbands (groups) only, to reduce issues caused by heal-tagging.
- Osgilliath one-shotters now engage enemies at a 40 meter range.
- Elderslade: March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily) now properly specifies that only completing 4 of the 7 quests is required to advance it.
- Elderslade: March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily) no longer auto-advances upon accepting the quest after completing it for the first time.
- Patching via the launcher should go much faster, especially if you have not played in a while.
- The effect display system has been updated to improve client performance during group combat, particularly in raids.
Known Issues
- Characters are not receiving their proper heritage titles for their newly-selected nationality during a race change. This will be corrected in a future patch, and we intend to make the correction retroactive.