Update 28.3.1 - Monday February 1, 2021
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Update 28.3.1 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 28.3.1, released on Monday, February 1st, 2021.
News and Notes:
Cosmetic Pets
- Summoning Cosmetic Pets will no longer break stealth. Your cosmetic pets are very sneaky.
Game Launcher
- Corrected an issue with the game launcher that was preventing some unpatched Windows 7 and earlier operating systems to not be able to update the game client.
- Suppliers, Provisioners, Healers, the Ambience Furnisher, and housing brokers should now give appropriate vendor discounts based on your housing passive skills in Rohan housing neighborhoods,
- The supplier summoned with the Gondorian Supplier Horn housing decoration should now give the appropriate vendor discount (the highest discount from any of your housing passive skills, including Belfalas and Rohan houses).
- The Heavy Armour item "Winter-tusk Hide Helmet" now offers Might instead of Agility.
- The Medium Armour item "Winter-tusk Hide Helm" now offers Agility instead of Might.
Legendary Items
- The Dol Amroth Quartermaster now offers "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 59" for 15 Amroth Silver pieces instead of "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 44" for 20 Amroth Silver Pieces.
- The Rangers of Ithilien Quartermaster now offers "Scrolls of Empowerment - max-tier 64" for 12 East Gondor Silver Pieces instead of "Scrolls of Empowerment - max-tier 59" for 15 East Gondor Silver Pieces.
- Narnaith in Minas Tirith now offers "Scrolls of Empowerment - max-tier 69" for 3 Minas Tirith - Smiths' Tokens instead of "Scrolls of Empowerment - max-tier 59" for 4 Minas Tirith - Smiths' Tokens.
- "Scrolls of Empowerment for Host of the West Silver Pieces (Daily)" now awards 2 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 74" instead of 1 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 59".
- "Scrolls of Empowerment for Host of the West Silver Pieces (Weekly)" now awards 5 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 74" instead of 3 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 59".
- Quest "Restoring the Three Kingdoms" now awards 5 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79" instead of 3 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 69".
- Quest "Protecting the Beornings" now awards 3 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 83" instead of 2 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79".
- Quest "Protecting the Elves" now awards 3 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 83" instead of 2 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79".
- Quest "Protecting the Woodmen" now awards 3 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 83" instead of 2 "Scrolls of Empowerment - Max Tier 79".
- Creep Core stats have had their range compressed. The difference between a core stat that was 1-5 is now 2-4.
- Creepside corruptions now grant less BPE, and modestly less Physical Mitigation. Creeps will need to use more corruptions to achieve particularly "tanky" values.
- Warleader On Your Feet has been reverted to a non-Warband effect.
- Warleader Slick Flesh and Quitters Never Win has been changed to a Warband effect.
Quest and Adventure Areas
- The following quests will now be available twice per week rather than just once a week, with resets on Thursday and Sunday at 3am Eastern time: Protecting the Beornings, Protecting the Elves, and Protecting the Woodmen.
- Gandalf is no longer floating in pre-battle Minas Tirith.
- Fixes for some floating and buried resource nodes in Rohan.
- Fixed an issue with some stairs in the Gates of Gundabad.
- Some French and German translations have been updated.
- Fixed an issue where the quest "Elderslade Supply Packs" was asking you to turn-in the quest to the wrong NPC.