The Mistress of Pestilence

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The Mistress of Pestilence
Level: 63
Instance: Dâr Narbugud

Type: Arch-nemesis
Genus: Ancient Evil
Species: Nameless

Morale: 14,760,000
Power: 14,074
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Superior
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Remarkable
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Extraordinary AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Remarkable
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 58 )  


The Mistress of Pestilence is the final boss in the raid instance Dâr Narbugud.


'"The vile abomination known as the Mistress of Pestilence is responsible for the terrible fungal plague that threatens the Mines of Moria."

Quest Involvement

Tactical Information

  • This fight cannot be reset.
  • Four World-eater Protectors must be defeated before the boss will activate. They will heal each other if in proximity and should be separated. After defeating the World-eater Protectors the raid will be out of combat briefly.


"Your ignorance will be your final undoing!"
"You come here and you wish to destroy that which you do not understand."


Loot that drops for all characters

Loot that always drops

Loot that has a chance to drop

Abilities and Effects

Ability / Effect Description
Throughout the whole fight
 Permanent State Immunity Immune to Stun, Daze, Fear, and Root
 Protection from Slows Unaffected by debuffs which slow movement speed
 Gloom +5 Dread
 Impenetrable Hide Immune to Common Damage
Phase 1: 100% - 50% / 8.3M Morale
 Aura: Gas Chamber Acid DOT affecting the entire raid that tiers up over time to a maximum of tier 4
 Summon Ravenous Newborns
 Daunting Disease
Summons Ravenous Newborns which apply a Morale debuff that lasts 1m (curable Disease)
 Shattered Armour Armour debuff applied by the Dark Rend attack to her target
 Inky Spore
 Killing Field
6s debuff applied to her target that drops a small ground-targeted Acid DOT on expiration that lasts for 60s
 Virulent Contagion
6s root followed by Shadow DOT (removable fear)
 Fungal Spores A Protective Fungal Spore and Reflective Fungal Spore spawn every 20s. They are immune to damage and can only be killed by CC.
 Protective Swarm Incoming damage buff applied to The Mistress when Protective Fungal Spores are nearby
 Reflective Swarm Damage reflect buff applied to The Mistress when Reflective Fungal Spores are nearby
 Terrifying Scream Large AOE Shadow damage attack
Phase 2: Mistress of Pestilence unattackable
 Globsnaga Grunts Three waves of 8-12 Globsnaga Grunts will swarm the raid every 20s (each deals frontal AOE damage but can be CC'd)
Phase 3: 50% - 0%
 Dampened Morale Max Morale debuff applied to the entire raid
 Disintegration Acid DOT applied to characters who stand in the acid clouds at the edge of the room
 Snarling Overseer Hatchlings Three Snarling Overseer Hatchlings spawn periodically and stun three random raid members.
 DNT - Channeled Mez
 Impending End
Stun from a Snarling Overseer Hatchling that will defeat a character after 20s.

Ability Legend:
 Characteristic or Ability with no induction
 Ability with interruptable induction
 Ability with uninterruptable induction