Sting (Lore)

Sting is the famed short-sword of old Gondolin that was wielded first by Bilbo Baggins during the Quest for Erebor, and later by his nephew Frodo during the War of the Ring.
Sting was first crafted by the smiths of Gondolin in the First Age and like most blades of that ancient city, it glowed with a cold light when orcs were close. Although Sting was considered to be a dagger in the hands of an elf, it was the perfect short-sword for the likes of a Hobbit. Potentially lost during the Fall of Gondolin, the blade survived the War of Wrath and the Sinking of Beleriand, and by T.A. 2941 was found in the troll-hoard of three stone-trolls, Bert, Tom, and William, in the Trollshaws. Thorin's Company came across the cache following their encounter with the trio, and Orcrist, Glamdring, and Sting were claimed, the latter of which by Bilbo. It would be Bilbo himself that named the sword "Sting" on that great adventure, following a close encounter with a spider of Mirkwood.
Frodo would be gifted the sword by his uncle in T.A. 3018, and used it throughout the arduous travels for the Quest of the Fellowship. So too would Samwise Gamgee use it in Cirith Ungol to rescue his companion from the dreaded tower there. It is unknown what happened to Sting following the War of the Ring, but it is likely it either went with Frodo to Valinor from the Grey Havens, or it remained with Samwise and his family as an heirloom.