Spirit of the Dark Plague

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These stats are for Tier 1,
click here for Tier 2.
Spirit of the Dark Plague
Level: 50 - 150
Instance: The Dome of Stars

Type: Signature
Genus: The Dead
Species: Shade

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Poor
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: False
Root Immune: False
Cry: Superior
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 61 )  


Spirit of the Dark Plagues run in and explode upon death to seriously harm you during The Black Blade of Lebennin encounter within the 6-man instance the Dome of Stars, in Eastern Gondor.


They do 80% Morale damage if killed near you.

 Difficulty Tier II On Tier 2