Social:Kinships of Elendilmir

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  • Alliance of Rhudaur - The Alliance of Rhudaur's goal is to have a group of people interested in sharing experiences in the game together without the pressure of power gaming. Our members are a friendly group of people advancing through the game without any pressure to rush to endgame.
  • Amlugfaer - Amlugfaer is accepting applications for all classes, races and levels. We are a kinship of friends, most of which have been running together since beta. We actively help each other in all areas of the game, books, deeds, and raids. Raiding is not our only focus of this game unlike so many other kinships, there are far too many things in this game to be focused solely on one aspect. If you are looking to make friends and have a fun time in Middle Earth stop by and check us out.
  • The Ancient Order of Eriador - In existence since 1998, AOE is a gathering of mature individuals who focus on teamwork and enjoying the game as a group. Assisting the group and helping lower levelled players is more important to us than racing to the end game.
  • Aquila knights - The Aquila knights mane focus is to have fun. well in the past other kinships i just didn't agree with. so i started my own. i just didn't like the way things were run. my kinship is for the people in just call us you're helping squad if you want any of us would be glad to help you at any time unless were busy of course. but if we can I'm sure we will help. another thing we plan to do in the future is to start doing more raiding. we hope you will try us out and would be even more pleased if you stayed.
  • Arnorian Remnants - The Arnorian Remnants is a International kin. we accept anyone and the kinship we have here is unique: it is flavoured by its players, not by it's leader(s). We don't force you to do anything, although doing somthing is apprieciated. We do raid every now and then but we don't have any real focus. we're just a bunch of players who banded together to create a great guild. Thanks for reading this, I hope you check us out some time soon.
  • Aurora Australis - Welcome to the Aurora Australis Kinship, a family friendly, predominantly Oceanic guild, who looks for players with various play styles. Some of our members are end game focused, while others enjoy a slower pace.
  • Autumn Guard - Autumn Guard is a kinship intended for mature players (age 30+) who want to experience a casual, friendly, and low stress environment during their time playing The Lord of the Rings Online Game.
  • Brothers of Jared - DO YOU KNOW THE NAME OF THE BROTHER OF JARED??? A small, mature, family friendly guild, with the desire to maintain a high standard of gaming as well as conduct. We are a primarily LDS guild created while playing Guild Wars, but have since spread out to many games. We are well established, Kin home, GM's in most classes,an active web page, and independent sponsored Vent server.
  • Celainedhil - A role-play supportive kinship, resulting of the alliance of the Elves of Imladris with the Calenathrim. Many of our members have been around since closed beta or even alpha testing phases. Both original kinship were created (much) before game launch. Many of us are well versed in the ways of lore as well as LOTRO enthusiasts.
  • Celestial Order - The Celestial Order(CO) is an MMO/Multiplayer community. Since 2005, CO has established themselves as a community which is warm & mature. Members explore multiple worlds together, helping each other in their gaming passion. Members care more about the players, than the way your character is built - a solid attitude, and a caring heart will make you alot of friends here.
  • CHAIN - A laid back small group of gamers from all backgrounds. We don't RP much, but do not frown upon those who wish to do so. We're looking forward to end-game PvE as well as Freep PvP.
  • Crimson Blades - A high-level kinship founded by Mythallas and Eldath Autumnbough in July 2007. We recruit mature and experienced players dedicated to PvE, PvP and some casual to minor roleplaying. We are the wall in which Mordor breaks!!!!!!
  • CSIPGR - Founded by subscribers to the Usenet group (csipgr) during Open Beta, but now merged into Order of the Ancients. In general, members were subscribers to one or more newsgroups in the* (csipg*) hierarchy, hence 'CiSIPiG', or informally, 'Sissypigs'.
  • Defenders of the Greyflood - DotG is a North American-based raiding kinship. We raid The Rift two or three times a week with several raid groups, Helegrod on Sunday nights, as well as a lot of the high level instances. We also head out into the Ettenmoors for PvMP on Tuesdays. Players of any level are welcome, and those high enough to raid are encouraged to do so. Recruitment is currently by invite only.
  • Defenders of the Light - Defenders of the Light is comprised of players from the casual to the consistent, the laid back to the take-charge types. We all have found a way to enjoy the game together as equals playing off each others strengths rather than just a select few. DotL members are expected to honor others in all aspects of gameplay, seeking to enhance the atmosphere for everyone. We are family friendly asking our members not to swear or talk dirty in raids and fellowships. If this sounds like the kind of atmosphere you want to enjoy the game in, we welcome you to apply!
  • Eclipse - Founded by two friends during closed beta of Star Wars Galaxies, Eclipse has moved successfully through many MMOs and now operates in Lord of the Rings among a few others. Eclipse is a well balanced group of casual and hardcore gamers.
  • Enemies of your Enemies - Founded by Valormur Wyvernbane who decided instead of just having his friends as friends, he would make them his Kinsmen. Later he decided to open it to other people and based it around helping each other and all freepeople who are in need of help. Currently ranked 10 , kinship leadership is New York, USA based. All ages accepted, all levels accepted, all classes accepted. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  • The Forsaken Companions - A mature, relaxed community of gamers, with a target membership of 25 and older. Founded at the start of Beta 2. We welcome members from all time zones and areas.
  • The Gathering of Laurelin - A kinship of supportive Role Players active since 2006. We encourage RP dialogue, character development and story creation that is inclusive of all Free Peoples and consistent with Tolkien's vision. Our members blur the boundary between our RP forums and LOTRO game mechanics to develop a meaningful friendly kinship. We play relaxed, help others and support our members where ever their interests take them in the game.
  • Gray Council of Arnor - A Passive Role Playing kinship, first created in the origional Everquest, its presence in LoTRO was introduced in January of 2006. GCoA strives for a family atmosphere and restricts usage of leet speak on its forums and in kinship chat.
  • Hand of Galadriel – Hand of Galadriel was founded in March 2007 and welcomes mature individuals who seek camaraderie and fellowship. Our kinship participates and assists its members with all aspects of the game: exploration, crafting, quests, and raids. We value and practice equality and respect both within the kinship and to all others outside of it who travel the lands of Middle-Earth. Interested recruits may apply at our website or seek out a kin member in game.
  • Hand of the Istari - Hand of the Istari, a Rank 10 Kinship, was founded as an Australian kin but has since grown into a group of mature individuals from around the world who truly enjoy questing and exploring together. We're always willing to meet new people and give a hand if it is needed. Recruitment is open. If you see us, stop and say G'day!
  • Heralds of the Deep - Founded by Jakobi and Etheldurr and currently supported by Lindalle. Friendly and stable kinship with experienced leaders. Open to all classes, races and levels. We have people from all over the world including latin players. Supportive with our members, Heralds of the Deep has become a real family.
  • The Journey is Half the Fun - A kinship of mature or experienced gamers who enjoy Tolkien's vision while helping one another to finish quests, raids or missions. We accept anyone of any age or even experience, and we like to talk about anything from politics to antics in WoW to software/hardware issues. We're open to anybody who wants to enjoy playing a quality MMORPG like LotRO.
  • Kinship Of Rivendell - [Lv. 7 Kinship W/ House] An elvish based kinship that accepts any race, class, level or skill, perfect for both soloers and casual players alike. It's an easygoing kinship with supportive kinsmen and kinswomen; the only rule is to be a 'Good Friend'. Also this kinship is open to RPing such as in-game light RP. Nobody is discriminated. We are here to help, serve, protect and most importantly of all, have FUN! (NB: We are always evolving, so please check back for updates!)
  • Knights Of Nienna -
  • Knights Of The Valar - A mature and RP supportive Kinship. The Kinship helps members in need of items and quest info/completion. Originated during closed beta 2 on the server Brandywine under a different name.
  • Knights of Varkena - The Knights of Varkena (KoV) is a new Kinship that is currently recruiting all levels, races, and classes. We are a mixed Kinship that focuses on helping our members complete quests, deeds, run instances, as well as have Kin-Questing nights and RP sessions.
  • Legends of Valor - A community of close friends who play LOTRO on the Elendilmir server. Our kinship is comprised of mature, like-minded, generous, and fun-loving folks who care about the people behind the toons we play and who come together to have fun! We share a special camaraderie with one another and enjoy working together to progress in various aspects of the LOTRO game. We love to meet new challenges together and frequently seek out adventure with courage, determination, and light-hearted banter!
  • Lost Order of the Akallabeth - Founded in 1996, the Lost Order of Akalabeth (LOA) is one of online gaming's oldest and strongest guilds. We believe our success has come from our unique approach to creating a community where our friendships are more important than the games we play. Our motto, "Friendship transcending worlds", and statements like, "Games come and go, but LOA is forever", illustrate what is at the core of LOA.
  • Luso Brasil - A kinship Luso Brasil foi criada no intuito de unir todos aqueles que falam português, casual ou hardcore players, num ambiente maduro e sem cobranças. Contando com jogadores assíduos e muitos personagens. Costumamos fazer eventos nos finais de semana e feriados, seja para jogadores vips, f2p, novos e experientes. The kinship Luso Brasil was created in order to unite all those who speak Portuguese, casual or hardcore players, an environment mature and without charges. With assiduous players and many characters. We usually make events on weekends and holidays, for VIP, f2p, new and experienced players.
  • MisAdventurers - A high level raiding kin. Originally founded by Sparklet, the torch has been passed onto Keira. Keira is aided by Bereth, who merged the high level players of 'House of Telcontar' into MisAdventurers. MA defeated Thorog in Helegrod shortly after Preying Mantis, getting server second... and defeated Thaurlach in The Rift, getting server first. They now run The Rift weekly, clearing the entire thing in one sitting. Their current time record for a complete clear is 3hrs, 30min. They also still run Helegrod from time to time. MA is a fun, flirtatious, crazy kin who looks out for their own. Applications are currently closed, so don't hope to get in without a special invite.
  • Mithril Crowns - A mature community of gamers with a target membership of ages 30 years and older.
  • The Mithril Order - The Mithril Order(TMO) Is an active growing kinship accepting members of all race and class. TMO focuses on developing all kinsmen to maximum potential. This kin has weekly Rift, CD and URU runs and spend a lot of time helping each other with Books and Deeds. Applications to the kin are being accepted at this time, feel free to PST to any member.
  • Operation Arda Freedom - A casual group of friends and family, some of whom came from Star Wars: Galaxies, some of whom we met for the first time during beta, but all of whom enjoy questing, crafting, and helping each other and those who help themselves.
  • Order of Elendil - Order of Elendil is a "goal oriented" kinship, comprised of mature players who share the common goal of maximizing character development and achievements. Although we are not a hardcore, raid dedicated kinship, we fully believe in maximizing character development, raid often and enjoy challenging game content. We tend to slide more towards the business side of the scale when comparing our style to other kinships. We currently have over 200 characters in our kinship, with 65% of the membership active in 0-10 days. We have experienced raid leaders in CD/URU/Rift/Helegrod, a number of active higher ranked PvMP Freeps, plus Grandmaster crafters in all vocations. We are a very well established rank 10 kinship, our kin house is located in the Shire, plus some of our kinship elders participated in LOTRO closed beta programs. Although we are goal oriented and we like to play / raid / kill everything, we understand that real life comes first and recognize that all players in the kinship have families, jobs, school and other responsibilities which keep them from playing 24/7/365.
  • Order of Tulkas - Order of Tulkas is a level 10 Kinship that focuses on mature friendly and helpful activities with our Kin house located in Bree. We are not into anything in particular, but everything in general, courteous behavior is paramount in Middle Earth to all players, we have most time zones covered as those that guide the kinship are from USA and Australia , so normally someone around to answer questions, help or quest with. Crafting is something that we enjoy and we have all crafts covered well, need assistance or info on crafting? We can help with that. We also have a forum so we can chat out of game and provide information, which is handy for all in the kin, because it is on the forum the information is always available.
  • The Osgiliath Guard - An MMO division of The Older Gamers, TOG is open to mature players aged 25 years or older of any class or experience level. With approximately 150 active players from around the world we have enough players to do a little bit of everything. Weekly TOG-only Instance runs for all levels, a Craft Bank and craft leveling events, PvMP either as a Freep or as part of our Creep auxiliary Thralls of Gothmog. Whatever you are are looking for you will find it here, except drama.
  • Pathfinders - A group of friends all originating from Geraldton Western Australia dedicated to experiencing all of the aspects of the game from crafting, questing through to story lines.
  • Penumbra - Penumbra is a LOTRO kinship whose stated goal is to have fun by providing a positive, charitable, democratic and respectful atmosphere in which our members can explore a wide variety of challenges in Middle Earth, including the thrill of higher level play.
  • Raenruin - A Role Playing kinship, members enjoy wandering and exploring Middle Earth. Their skills involve fire, and mark there way with campfires. Raenruin translates into wanders of red flame.
  • The Rangers of Ithilien is based upon a group of Rangers that was led by Faramir, son of Denethor during the War of the Ring. We strive to follow such traits as courage, resourcefulness and wisdom. We are a family-oriented Kinship that strives to maintain an air of cooperation and fellowship. We seek out like minded individuals to join us as we explore and adventure in J.R.R. Tolkien’s wonderful world of Middle Earth. We strive to recruit mature people who are respectful, have a good sense of humor, are willing to help others and receive help.
  • Rangers of Tharbad - Originating back in 2002, the Rangers of Tharbad are one of the longest standing kinships in the LotRO community. They are an RP optional kinship who focuses on creating a "family atmosphere." They are made up of and accept all different races and classes, and cater to both casual and hardcore gamers alike.
  • The Rangers of Thintaur - The Rangers of Thintaur kinship was founded in March 1999, when the first Middle-Earth MMO project was begun, specifically in anticipation of what has become LOTRO. Thintaur has continued to stay vivid and alive on our forums over the intervening years due to the good family feel and warm hospitality of our members. We are a mixed race kinship.
  • Riders of the Apocalypse welcomes any players/roleplayers of any race/class/level into our kin who wish to learn more about the game, have fun while playing and a family to always come home to. We strive to be a casual, laid back and friendly group of people who want to help each other whenever we can with information/questing/crafting. After all, this is about fellowships and relationships being stronger than what the enemies have.
Elendilmir is our home and we are a rank 10 kin, and we're sure one day soon we will be riding the our war horses to victory on the plains of Rohan!!!
  • The Riders of the Riddermark - A Role Playing kinship dedicated to the land of the Horselords of Rohan. The Riders of the Riddermark kinship has been active since 2003. We are a mature group who aide everyone in our kinship, our allies, and those we meet along the way. Forth Eorlingas!
  • Ring Guard of Rivendell - A fairly casual LotRO kinship, created in beta, with players of all types and levels. We are based primarily in North America(GMT-5 to GMT-8), but have some members in other locations. Rank 10, kin house in Thorin's (we gave up the beauty of Falathlorn for the convenience of the stables there), raiders/crafters/explorers/PvMP, etc.
  • Rutilus Ring - A casual Group of friends based in HONG KONG (GMT+8), We are Primary DAOC Guild and had played different MMOs such as DAOC, WOW, SWG, EQ2... etc.
  • Safe Havens of Arda - A Rp kinship supporting Non Rp members. Has been a LOTRO community kinship since 2003.
  • Saga is made up of casual and hardcore players. It is a very friendly mature kinship, and opened to all classes. Saga welcomes new players. Visit our web site to learn more about the players.
  • Sanctuary - A mature, family-oriented, RP supportive kinship.
  • The Shards of Narsil - Small, mixed-race Kinship, led by descendants of the knights who fought at the War of the Last Alliance. English speaking, mature, casual RP'ers of all races are welcome. As a craft-centric guild, we strive to make the best items for sale in Middle Earth, and hope to support our valiant and stout-hearted allies as they cast light on the approaching shadows.
  • Snowbelle's Friends - Snowbelle's Friends aims to be a dedicated Oceanic Kinship with an emphasis on raiding. We hope to cater to mature players, and maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere.
  • Sons of Gondor - The Sons Of Gondor is a General Kinship open to all classes and races. We focus on fun and companionship as well as assisting new players through a diverse membership that intends to cover all areas of the game.
  • Southern Cross - An Australia based guild focused on a supportive Kinship spirit that is looking forward to all aspects of the game.
  • Tarag Arhannas - A heavy roleplay kinship with a bent towards performance of the verbal arts.
  • Tuetonic Order - We are a friendly kinship consisting of players who live in both Oceanic and American time zones. We are a heavy PvE Kinship with some PvP to break up the monotony. At end game, we plan on having both Oceanic and American Raid times.