Rune-stones (Level 31-40) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Damage DPS Stats

 White Gold Flint Rune-stone 32 34 49 - 82 Lightning 65.8 +44 Will, +26 Fate
 White Gold Icy Rune-stone 32 34 49 - 82 Frost 65.8 +23 Vitality, +44 Fate
 White Gold Obsidian Rune-stone 32 34 49 - 82 Fire 65.8 +26 Will, +39 Vitality
 Sparkling White Gold Flint Rune-stone 32 35 52 - 86 Lightning 68.9 +46 Will, +46 Fate, +40 Max Power
 Sparkling White Gold Icy Rune-stone 32 35 52 - 86 Frost 68.9 +27 Will, +41 Vitality, +46 Fate
 Sparkling White Gold Obsidian Rune-stone 32 35 52 - 86 Fire 68.9 +46 Will, +41 Vitality, +599 iCPR
 Glittering Platinum Obsidian Rune-stone 35 37 53 - 89 Fire 71.1 +27 Vitality, +470 Crit Rating
 Brilliant Platinum Obsidian Rune-stone 35 38 56 - 93 Fire 74.4 +48 Vitality, +488 Crit Rating, +43 Max Power
 Adamant Flint Rune-stone 38 40 57 - 96 Lightning 76.5 +2280 iCPR
 Polished Adamant Flint Rune-stone 38 41 60 - 100 Lightning 79.8 +78 Max Power, +2337 iCPR
 Engraved Adamant Icy Rune-stone 40 42 61 - 102 Frost 81.6 +59 Will, +57 Vitality
 Etched Adamant Icy Rune-stone 40 43 63 - 104 Frost 83.4 +61 Will, +59 Vitality, +190 Max Morale


Name Min Level Item Level Damage DPS Stats

 Cracked Rune-stone 31* 30 45 - 75 Fire 59.9 +14 Will, +29 Fate, +276 Crit Rating
 Misplaced Rune Stone 32* 32 48 - 79 Lightning 63.5 +40 Will, +40 Fate, +381 Crit Rating
 Shimmering Silver Rune-stone 32* 32 19 - 25 Lightning 21.9 +46 Will, +69 Tact Mastery, +54 Max Morale
 Arc-stone 32 34 50 - 84 Lightning 67.1 +44 Will, +44 Fate, +417 Crit Rating
 Stone of the Eglan-stonespeaker 32 35 54 - 89 Fire 71.6 +46 Will, +46 Fate, +436 Crit Rating, +1028 iCPR
 Took's Rune-stone 37 36 53 - 88 Frost 70.7 +38 Will, +17 Vitality, +47 Fate, +112 Max Morale
 Culang's Rune-stone 38* 37 54 - 91 Lightning 72.5 +49 Will, +40 Fate, +472 Crit Rating, +56 Max Power
 Riddle-stone 39* 38 56 - 93 Fire 74.4 +51 Agility, +51 Will, +51 Fate
 Scholar's Rune-stone 40* 40 58 - 97 Frost 78.0 +55 Will, +76 Max Power, +1170 iCPR
 Stone of Chills 40 40 58 - 97 Frost 78.0 +44 Will, +52 Vitality, +22 Fate, +210 Crit Rating, +61 Max Power

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Rune-stones are crafted by Jewellers.

Legendary Weapons are not listed in this index. For information on Legendary Weapons, see Legendary Items.