Quest:Trouble for the Pot and Quill

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Trouble for the Pot and Quill
Level 149
Type Solo
Starts with Shûba
Starts at The Pot and Quill
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.5S, 96.4W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Those Heirsworn have some nerve lingering in the city. The scholars who come to my establishment have suffered enough; they do not need more reasons to fear for their safety!

'If you decide to teach those fools a lesson, well... I would be happy to pay you. It is hard to miss them -- they lurk around the wreckage of the old academy and scriptorium to the north-west.'


The Heirsworn threaten the scholars who congregate at the Pot and Quill.

Objective 1

Shûba has asked you to defeat a number of Heirsworn.

Heirsworn can be found in the ruined area of the Tor-gardens, to the north-west.

Defeated Heirsworn (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Shûba at the Pot and Quill

You have defeated a number of Heirsworn.

You should report back to Shûba at the Pot and Quill.

Shûba: 'I can only hope the Heirsworn will stop darkening my doorstep from now on. If they continue pushing their luck, they shall find themselves at the bottom of a watery grave.'