Quest:Scattered History

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Scattered History
Level 149
Type Solo
Starts with Rimâti
Starts at The Pot and Quill
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.4S, 96.4W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Stay clear of Dâr Jeraf to the north-west, if you can. The Heirsworn there stole my belongings. Not that they would deem any of it valuable -- I was only carrying historical texts on pigments. Copies, I mean, not the originals!

'You see, I have been attempting to recreate colours that were lost during the Church's rule. The scholars spent innumerable hours copying those texts for me, and I do not wish to see their efforts go to waste.

'The texts must have been left to scatter to the winds. Should you find any, please return them to me!'


Copies of historical texts have been stolen from a dyer visiting the Tor-gardens.

Objective 1

Rimâti's scholarly texts may have been scattered around the ruins of Dâr Jeraf.

Dâr Jeraf can be found in the north-western corner of the Tor-gardens.

Collected scholarly texts (8/8)

Objective 2

You have collected (hopefully) all of Rimâti's scholarly texts.

You should return them to her at the Pot and Quill.

Rimâti: 'Not a page is missing! Thank you... and I am sure I speak for the scholars as well!'