Quest:Tribe of Vengeance

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Tribe of Vengeance
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Banner of Vengeance
Starts at Lúlstrok
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Gladden Fields
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

As you press deeper into Lúlstrok, you notice that the banners flown by the Shapag-hai bear a striking resemblance to those once flown by Mazog and his Pûlpum in Moria. If the legacies of Mazog and his cruel forebears, Bolg and Azog, are ever to be ended, the banners of the Shapag-hai must be burned.


Although his rule of Moria came to a well-deserved end, the cruel banners of Mazog are now flown by the Shapag-hai in the Gladden Fields.

Objective 1

Banners of vengeance can be found at Lúlstrok in the north-western reaches of the Gladden Fields.

You have discovered the cruel banners of Mazog being flown by the Shapag-hai. You should burn them.

Burned banners of vengeance at Lúlstrok (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have burned many of the cruel banners flown in Mazog's name by the Shapag-hai.

Remote Quest Advance: Although it cannot avenge the hurts done to the dwarves by the Orcs of Moria, you have done well to burn the cruel banners flown in Mazog's name by the Shapag-hai.