Quest:Sharkey's Night

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Sharkey's Night
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Tautila
Starts at The Warrens of Tûn Melen
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [1.7S, 60.5W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Gladden Fields
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I am thankful for what you have done, <name>, but still I fear for the vales.

'Even if I am freed from Sharkey's keeping, he will continue to pillage the Gladden Fields... and I do not think it will end there. With each passing day, more ruffians are lured into his service. Sharkey is building an army, and the vales cannot endure another war... not so soon after the last! The skin-changers are a mighty folk, but Sharkey might one day be able to overcome them.

'Every morning Sharkey leaves the warrens, and deep in the night, he returns. Many of Sharkey's demons and ruffians have taken rest by so late an hour, so we might then catch him unawares!

'Leave me, <name>. Return in the night and we will put an end to Sharkey... together!'


Sharkey, the vicious leader of a band of half-orcs and ruffians, has big plans for the Gladden Fields.

Objective 1

Tautila can be found in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

Tautila has asked for your aid in escaping before Sharkey returns to the warrens of Tûn Melen.

Tautila: Tautila attempts to get comfortable within the cage.
'I'll see you tonight, <name>.'
Complete the Instance: Sharkey's Night

Objective 2

  • Talk to Tautila

Tautila can be found just outside the Warrens in the Gladden Fields.

You saved Tautila and defeated a half-orc, Garmog, who sought to deceive Sharkey's Men. You should talk to Tautila.

Tautila: 'How wonderful it is to see the vales again!'
Tautila breathes deeply and looks around, pausing on the ruined dredging machine next to him.
'Well, perhaps this isn't the most beautiful spot, but it's certainly better than a cage!'