Quest:Shorn from the Slain

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Shorn from the Slain
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Defeat any Shapag-hai
Starts at Lúlstrok
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Gladden Fields
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

After defeating one of the Shapag-hai at Lúlstrok, you notice a grim trinket hanging loosely from a band around its neck: a shorn dwarf-beard.

The Shapag-hai must have taken trophies from the dwarves they slew in Moria, and they now wear them as a cruel reminder of their victory over the Iron Garrison.

You should reclaim the shorn dwarf-beards from the Shapag-hai and burn them in one of their campfires. No dwarf should be forced to endure such an insult!


After reclaiming Moria, the Shapag-hai have taken to wearing the shorn beards of dwarves as trophies.

Objective 1

  • Collect shorn beards from the Shapag-hai at Lúlstrok (0/20)

Shorn dwarf-beards are worn by the Shapag-hai at Lúlstrok in the north-western reaches of the Gladden Fields.

You have noticed a number of Shapag-hai wearing the beards of slain dwarves as trophies on their armour. You should defeat them and take the dwarf-beards to be burned.

Collected shorn beards from the Shapag-hai at Lúlstrok (20/20)

Objective 2

  • Burn the shorn dwarf-beards in a campfire at Lúlstrok

Campfires can be found in Lúlstrok in the north-western reaches of the Gladden Fields.

You have collected a number of shorn dwarf-beards from the Shapag-hai. To keep them out of the hands of the Orcs, you should burn them in a campfire at Lúlstrok.

Objective 3

  • Completed

You have burned the dwarf-beards kept as trophies by the Shapag-hai.

Remote Quest Advance: Although Moria remains lost, you have done much to avenge the dwarves slain by the Shapag-hai.