Quest:Touch of Corruption

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Touch of Corruption
Level 28
Type Solo
Starts with Gandelin
Starts at Lin Giliath
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [13.7S, 44.7W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have need of your assistance, <name>. An Orc defiler, skilled in the use of poisons, joined the ranks of the Ongbúrz in southern Lin Giliath. He has begun to poison the waters of this glade, and all will be ruined.

'Slay the Orcs in Merenost and collect their venom pouches. I will make sure the pouches are never again used for evil purposes.

'While you are in the camp, put an end to the source of the vile poison once and for all by killing the Ongbúrz-defiler. Be careful, <name> -- these Orcs are brutal and without mercy, and you may have need of allies.'


The Orcs of Merenost in Meluinen use spider venom to coat their blades and arrows.

Objective 1

The Ongbúrz Orcs can be found in the ruins of Merenost, in southern Lin Giliath.

Gandelin asked you to slay the Ongbúrz-defiler and return with the Ongbúrz venom-pouches.

Gandelin: '<name>, we must have some samples of the Orcs' poison so that we may create a cure for it.'
Defeated the Ongbúrz Defiler

Objective 2

  • Bring the Ongbúrz venom-pouches to Gandelin

Gandelin is back at Lin Giliath.

Gandelin asked you to slay the Ongbúrz-defiler and return with the Ongbúrz venom-pouches.

Gandelin: 'The venom pouches. I take it that the defiler was slain as well? Many lives will be saved through your efforts.
'I find it strange that the Orcs would hunt their spider allies. They make themselves stronger at others expense...and in the end, weakening the Enemy as a whole. Such is the way of evil things, for the spiders would not hesitate to drink of the blood of their Orcish fellows.'