Quest:To Yondershire

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To Yondershire
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Bounder Chubb or Hildifons Took II
Starts at Needlehole or The Eastway
Start Region The Shire
Ends with Salga Greengrass or Frothard Took
Ends at Nobottle or Tighfield
End Region The Yondershire
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

<Bounder Chubb>: 'If you are heading west, you may want to rest a while in Yondershire. The Bounders there can be found patrolling the western edge of the Shire proper. Talk to Salga Greengrass in the village of Nobottle and Frothard Took in the hamlet of Tighfield. Those Bounders will give you a proper Yondershire welcome!'

<Hildifons Took II>: 'This here is just beyond the bounds of the Shire. If you are looking for the Shire proper, you have to travel a bit further east. I would recommend a stop in Yondershire to rest your feet before you continue on. The best of the Bounders all patrol there! Talk to Salga Greengrass in the village of Nobottle and Frothard Took in the hamlet of Tighfield. They will surely welcome you.'


While many consider Yondershire to be a rural backwater of the Shire proper, the villages there are most welcoming to weary travellers.

Objective 1

Salga Greengrass can be found in the village of Nobottle in eastern Yondershire. Frothard Took can be found in the hamlet of Tighfield in central Yondershire.

You should talk to Salga Greengrass in Nobottle and Frothard Took in Tighfield.

Salga Greengrass: 'Welcome to Yondershire and welcome to Nobottle, friend.'
Frothard Took: 'Welcome to Yondershire! What brings you to the farming hamlet of Tighfield, friend?'