Quest:The Variag Variable

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The Variag Variable
Level 102
Type Solo
Starts with Herefara
Starts at War-stead of the Helmingas
Start Region Taur Drúadan
Map Ref [45.2S, 31.1W]
Quest Chain Far Anórien: Taur Drúadan
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Bestowal dialogue

'Have you seen the Variags? Those brutish, mask-wearing men from the east seem to have their own code of laws. How they manage to be both more barbaric and more civilized than the Easterlings is beyond me. I hope to stand against them, but I feel a distraction may be in order. The Variags have set up a blockade on the road, just to the east of this encampment. I suspect if we were to mobilize now, the Variags would be alerted to our presence. I am hoping that you are up for the challenge of creating a diversion for us.'


Herefara had spotted a nearby blockade of Variags that need to be dealt with if the Rohirrim are going to make it any further south.

Objective 1

  • Enter the Variag blockade
  • Find a suitable place in the blockade to cause a distraction

The Variag blockade can be found in northern Taur Drúadan, near the western end of Maudhúl Grak.

You should find a place in the Variag blockade where many Variags are grouped.

The Variags look over at you angrily but do not attack
This is a good place to distract the Variags

Objective 2

  • Dance in front of or Mock to distract a large group of Variags

The Variag blockade can be found in northern Taur Drúadan.

You should find and distract a large group of Variags at their blockade.

You do your best dance and the Variags seem dazed with confusion
You mock the Variags. They growl at you, but do not make a move to attack

Objective 3

  • Shake fist at or Challenge to distract a large group of Variags

The Variag blockade can be found in northern Taur Drúadan.

You should find and distract a large group of Variags at their blockade.

You challenge the Variags and they start to draw their swords
You shake your fist as hard as you can and the Variags do not like it

Objective 4

  • Stand your ground and distract the Variags
  • Do not leave the Variag blockade

The Variag blockade can be found in northern Taur Drúadan.

You should stand your ground at the Variag blockade.

You have successfully distracted the Variags!

Objective 5

Herefara can be found in the War-stead of the Helmingas.

You should speak with Herefara.

Herefara: 'Ah, you have returned! It was a courteous thing to do. With their blockade in chaos, I doubt they will ever hear us depart.'