Quest:A Field of Death
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Level | 105 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Burnoth, son of Baldeg |
Starts at | Field of Onslaught |
Start Region | Field of Onslaught |
Map Ref | [27.2N, 16.3W] |
Ends with | Burnoth, son of Baldeg |
Ends at | Kings' End |
End Region | Kings' End |
Map Ref | [22.5N, 13.5W] |
Quest Chain | The Battle of Pelennor |
Quest Chain |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Our foes cover the fields, and already Théoden King has rushed into the heart of battle. We must reach him and lend him our aid! 'To reach him shall be a difficult task, for the Fields are rife with foes, but we cannot falter - not now. Ride forth with us and slay the foes of Rohan and Gondor! 'We must not allow the forces of the Enemy to harry our advance! Ride, and meet us at the King's side!' BackgroundFire and slaughter blanket the Pelennor Fields as the Riders Three draw closer to their foe's whereabouts. Objective 1
Foes can be found across the Pelennor Fields. Burnoth has asked you to aid in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields by defeating many of the Enemy's forces.
Objective 2
Enemies are on all sides! Hold the field and protect those you can! You have defeated many of the Enemy's forces and should now continue to aid the forces of Gondor and Rohan on the field. Note: You must complete Book 6, Chapter 2 of Volume IV to advance this objective. Objective 3
Kings' End can be found near the centre of the Pelennor Fields at the site where Théoden King fell. You have arrived at Kings' End and should now seek out the Riders Three.
Objective 4Burnoth, Hutha, and Ulf can be found at Kings' End. You have found the Riders Three at Kings' End and should now speak to them.
Objective 5
A small mound of earth can be found near the site where Théoden King fell at Kings' End. Hutha has asked you to plant Léofdag's spear near the site where Théoden King fell.
Objective 6
Burnoth can be found at Kings' End. You have honoured Léofdag's memory by laying his spear at the site where his King fell. You should now speak to Burnoth.