Quest:The Decimation of Maudhúl Grak

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The Decimation of Maudhúl Grak
Level 101
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Maudhúl Grak
Start Region Taur Drúadan
Map Ref [47.2S, 21.9W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain Far Anórien: Taur Drúadan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The camp completely blocks the road south to Gondor. While there isn't a way to destroy the camp, destroying parts of the camp would make it easier for the Rohirrim to slip through the woods and for the Woses to not have to worry about Orcs travelling further into the forest.


Maudhúl Grak is a threat to both the Rohirrim and the Woses, and much be dealt with.

Objective 1

Maudhúl Grak is located in northern Taur Drúadan.

You should destroy trebuchets at Maudhúl Grak.

Destroyed trebuchets at Maudhúl Grak (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Completed

The trebuchets at Maudhúl Grak have been destroyed

You have destroyed many trebuchets at Maudhúl Grak and caused a major setback for the Orcs camped here.