Quest:The Secret Ingredient

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The Secret Ingredient
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Jódha
Starts at Pelargir
Start Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [84.0S, 34.4W]
Ends with Jódha
Ends at Pelargir
End Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [84.0S, 34.4W]
Quest Group Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

An affable woman pulls you aside.

'You there! Are you looking for work?'

You begin to answer, but she doesn't let you finish.

'Of course you are!'

She pushes a cloth-lined basket into your hands.

'There is an herb that grows outside the western gate of Pelargir. It has broad leaves and a distinct smell, like the rind of a sour fruit. I would go get it myself, but as you can see we have a lot of hungry customers to feed.'

She leans in and whispers in a conspiratorial tone.

'Onjópo is a great cook, but he doesn't do well under pressure. I need to make sure he doesn't burn anything.'

She sends you off with a wink.


Jódha needs some help preparing for a rush of customers at her food stall.

Objective 1

  • Collect savoury herbs (0/8)

Jódha has asked you to pick some savoury herbs outside of Pelargir.

Find herbs in the fields west of Pelargir.

Objective 2

You have found enough herbs to satisfy Jódha.

Deliver the savoury herbs to Jódha.

Jódha: With a sweep of her arm, Jódha gestures to the line of hungry patrons waiting in front of the grill.
'We started out feeding just the shipbreakers and shipbuilders, but before we knew it half of Pelargir has come lining up for our food! We never expected to be so popular. Thank you for the herbs. They're one of the most important ingredients in our marinade.
'You'll... keep that a secret, won't you?'