Quest:Stranded Sailors

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Stranded Sailors
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Nasar
Starts at Pelargir
Start Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [83.1S, 34.7W]
Ends with Celebros
Ends at Pelargir
End Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [82.6S, 32.5W]
Quest Group Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Truth be told, this is a tight spot in which to be stuck. We cannot agree on how to move forward. Othor suggested approaching Lord Sirgon for help, but... even if Othor hails from Gondor, he is a stranger to them. I doubt they would entertain us.'

You mention that Lord Sirgon's family knows of you.

'<name>, if you're not joking -- and I sincerely hope you're not -- could you tell him about our predicament? Just enough to get him to agree to meeting with us.

'I've heard his manor is located in the north-west corner of East Pelargir, but you must know the city better than I do, eh?'


Stuck in a foreign land with no connections, Nasar looks to you for help.

Objective 1

Nasar has asked you to bring up the Corsairs' predicament with Lord Sirgon.

Sirgon's manor is located in the north-west corner of East Pelargir.

Objective 2

  • Talk to the guard in the courtyard

A guard has gestured for you to stop.

You should talk to him outside Sirgon's East Pelargir manor.

Guard: 'Halt. If you seek audience with Lord Sirgon, he has other matters to attend. I would ask that you--'
I shall talk to Nodmoth, <name>

Objective 3

Celebros seems interested in hearing what you have to say.

You should talk to her about Nasar's request outside Sirgon's East Pelargir manor.

Celebros: 'Hello, <name>. I apologize for the cold welcome, but the guards are only doing their best to protect us. My husband is rather busy at the moment, but you may talk to me.'
As you relay the situation to Celebros, she frowns. Her frown only deepens. Even after you have finished speaking, she remains silent a bit longer.
'I must say, this is troubling to hear. Pelargir still bears the scars left behind by the Corsair invasion, and the memory haunts us all. Although, these Corsairs... they are simply men seeking a way home. To be lost for so long, unsure if they'll ever return... I can understand that.
'I shall help them. Not as the Lady of Lebennin, but as myself.'