Quest:The Five Stones

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The Five Stones
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Illusion of the Secret Stone
Starts at The Crown Chamber
Start Region Foundations of Stone
Map Ref [14.1S, 95.6W]
Ends with King Thorin III
Ends at Hall Under the Mountain
End Region Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Map Ref [29.5N, 25.6W]
Quest Group The Secret Stone Returns
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Another vision appears before you: the Secret Stone placed on one of the five pedestals in the chamber. As you contemplate the vision, you realize you can feel the stone vibrating in its satchel. You lift the stone from King Thorin's satchel and feel the pleasing warmth of it in your hand. Can this be possible? Is this the stone's purpose, to return to this chamber with the other four of its missing brethren? They must be found and reunited.

This difficult treasure hunt will require community teamwork and resources outside of the game itself. Good luck!


It has become clear that the Secret Stone is one of five stones with unknown purposes, but it seems clear it was intended to return to the Crown Chamber.

This difficult treasure hunt will require community teamwork and resources outside of the game itself. Good luck!

Objective 1

Their purpose remains unknown, but the path before you is clear.

You must find the four missing stones.

Objective 2

You should talk to King Thorin.

King Thorin III: '<name>, what has happened? Explain yourself at once!'
You quickly explain that your persuit of the Secret Stone's origin released the Shadowed King, a Nameless entity who takes the form of Durin the Deathless and seeks to release Throkhâr, and even greater horror. You tell him too that Frethi was injured during the escape.
King Thorin turns way, anger simmering within him. He takes a moment to calm himself before addressing you again.
King Thorin III: 'This is a disaster! I should have known that pursuing this mystery could lead to such a dangerous outcome! We have to act quickly if we are to undo this mistake before tragedy befalls!'