Quest:The Crumbling Halls of Glynafon

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The Crumbling Halls of Glynafon
Level 40
Type Solo
Starts with Cedivor Hedgerow
Starts at Glynafon
Start Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [39.6S, 18.4W]
Ends with Narnien
Ends at Gaerond
End Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [34.7S, 22.2W]
Quest Group The Angle
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hello there! Why, you look exactly like the sort of help I need! I am Cedivor Hedgerow, grand historian and artifact expert!'

He pauses, waiting for a reaction from you.

'You... have not heard of me? Well, I suppose someone like you does not keep up with this sort of thing. Too busy tramping all over the countryside being a hero and having adventures? Exactly the person I have been seeking. You see, I am exploring the ruins that dot the hills and forests of the Angle, but I need assistance in these dangerous lands.

'I can not enter the Warg dens, but I suspect there are ancient dwellings buried in these hills. A place that was called Glynafon! If you find anything of interest within and bring it to me, I shall reward you greatly!'


Cedivor Hedgerow, renowned historian and artifact expert, seeks protection while he delves into the crumbling halls of Glynafon.

Objective 1

  • Search the abandoned burrows

The abandoned burrows of Glynafon are in the eastern Angle.

You should explore the abandoned burrows and bring anything of interest back to Cedivor.

CRUMPLED BODY: "The crumpled body of a half-orc."
You found a strangely carved stone!

Objective 2

Cedivor Hedgerow is outside of Glynafon, in the eastern Angle.

You should bring the stone to Cedivor.

Cedivor Hedgerow: 'What have you found there, my friend? How interesting! Did you find anything of import on his... uh, their body?'
You show him the stone. A queer gleam flashes across his eyes.
'How strange that object is! I should keep it! Ah, for my research. Well now, I think we can leave. Whatever killed Ragnal may still be down here.'
'How do you know his name?' you ask, readying your weapon.
'What? His... ah, well, no need to look so violent! Fine, fine. I'm no historian. But what do you care? Oh. I see you care very much. Here! Take the blasted thing. I do not need to die for a rock.'

Objective 3

Narnien is located in Gaerond, in the northern Angle.

You should tell Narnien that you have found a strange artifact.

Cedivor Hedgerow: 'Perhaps the poison was a bit much. The Wargs did my work for me. Oh my! You are still here?'
Cedivor coughs and looks uncomfortable.
Narnien: 'Welcome back! Have you found something interesting?'
You hand her the stone.
'Fascinating! This is a Gwelumir, a weather-stone. It sadly has lost most of its function, but when it was first created, it would have indicated what the weather is in a certain area. They were an experiment that had been considered a failure, as one could easily look to the skies to count clouds. You say you found this in an ancient smial? What a perfect use for such a device! It must have been gifted to an Elf-friend long ago. Thank you for bringing it to me! I look forward to studying its properties.'