Quest:Stopping the Shadowbark Spread

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Stopping the Shadowbark Spread
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Thornmane
Starts at The Wildwood
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [21.9S, 57.7W]
Quest Group Wildwood: Woodcutter's Brotherhood
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Hoom, hum. I have spoken with the trees and am troubled anew. They speak of poisoned roots, foul waters, and a silver-barked Huorn called, hummm, how to say it in your speech - the Wicked Holm. Take you this rotten bark and burn it on the hill nearby. I suspect the scent of the smoke will draw out the source of the poisoned shadows.

'Go carefully, my little friend, room-tum. To spread its violence through so many, and so far - I fear the Wicked Holm to be a powerful foe, indeed.'


The Shadowbark Huorns are defeated, but the darkness that twisted them is still a mystery.

Objective 1

The Wicked Holm may be summoned by burning the shadow bark atop a hill in the south-western Wildwood.

Thornmane has asked you to defeat the Wicked Holm.

Objective 2

Thornmane is located in southern Wildwood.

You should talk to Thornmane.

Thornmane: 'So you found the source, hum, hoom. You have done the Wildwood a favour on this day, little friend.
'I think I will stay here for a time and keep watch over these forests. You have done me a great favour as well, and I am willing to work with your Trestlebridge folk now.'
No Entwives here. Only the Wicked Holm