Quest:Hunting Huorns

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Hunting Huorns
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Thornmane
Starts at The Wildwood
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [22.3S, 56.2W]
Ends with Thornmane
Ends at The Wildwood
End Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [21.9S, 57.7W]
Quest Group Wildwood: Woodcutter's Brotherhood
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The darkness that has warped the Huorns of the Wildwood is quite concerning, hoom. I fear the corruption will spread throughout the rest of the forest. You must put the Shadowbark Huorns to rest, <name>. While you are doing so, look for anything that might teach us what has whipped the Huorns into such a fury.'


Huorns stomp through the southern Wildwood. They must be defeated lest their corruption spreads.

Objective 1

Shadowbark Huorns can be found in the southern Wildwood.

Thornmane has asked you to defeat Shadowbark Huorns and look for clues.

The bark of this Huorn is black and rotten

Objective 2

Thornmane is located in the southern Wildwood.

You should bring the rotted bark to Thornmane.

Thornmane: 'Thank you for dealing with the violent Huorns, friend. The piece of bark you brought me is full of shadow and rot. Give me a brief moment. I will speak to the Wildwood. Perhaps the trees know something.'