Quest:Retribution of the Trees

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Retribution of the Trees
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Thornmane
Starts at The Wildwood
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [19.8S, 56.2W]
Quest Group Wildwood: Woodcutter's Brotherhood
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Well, Little One. I must say that I am impressed with your deeds, hoom. This part of the forest is already starting to look and feel better. There is still work to be done, however, hoom ta-room.

'The destruction I found as I passed through the Wildwood is quite troubling. I believed it to be the work of the Men of Trestlebridge, hummm. But while you were gone, I observed the twisted creatures responsible for felling and setting fire to the forest. You must stop the Orcs, <name>, lest their burning and hewing devastate all of the Wildwood.'


Orcs have been logging part of the Wildwood and must be stopped before they decimate the forest.

Objective 1

Tarkríp tree-reavers and tree-burners can be found in the central Wildwood.

Thornmane has asked you to defeat the Orcs who are wreaking havoc upon the Wildwood's forest.

Objective 2

Thornmane can be found in the Wildwood.

You should talk to Thornmane.

Thornmane: 'Fewer Orcs in the Wildwood means more trees. Well done, Little One.'