Quest:Slithering Upland, Again

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Slithering Upland, Again
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Minlos Defender
Starts at Minlos
Start Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [76.6S, 25.9W]
Ends with Minlos Defender
Ends at Minlos
End Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [76.6S, 25.9W]
Quest Group Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Well, if it isn't <name>!'

The defender waves his hand frantically at you.

'Don't worry, you wouldn't remember me, but I remember you.

'You helped Othor with the Haradrim back when he was defending the Minlos beacon.

'Now I am here, and you arrived at just the right moment. As the region deals with restoration efforts, more and more insurgent Corsairs keep appearing. We've been notified of a camp nearby, off the road to the west. Could you possibly help us with these brigands?'


The defender at Minlos beacon remembers you and has asked you to help fend off the remnant Corsairs in Upper Lebannin.

Objective 1

The defender at Minlos beacon has asked you to defeat Corsairs at a camp west of the beacon, along the road.

Follow the road west to find Sadúkh's camp.

Objective 2

The defender at Minlos beacon should know that the road west to Tumladen is safe from Sadúkh's Corsairs.

The defender can be found at Minlos beacon to the east.

Minlos Defender: 'I knew you would not fail us, <name>, as expected of a person of your skill.'
The Minlos defender stands firm before you.
'I shall not let any of those brigands plant roots here again. Your help is invaluable in keeping the roads safe. Farewell!'