Quest:Royal Guard

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Royal Guard
Level 77
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Jóshkhin Orda
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [42.4S, 47.2W]
Ends with Sergeant Guthferth
Ends at North-torr
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [44.0S, 47.5W]
Quest Chain North-torr
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Rohirrim tower Súth-torr has fallen to the Easterlings and their leaders. The guards of the tower should be defeated.


The Rohirrim tower Súth-torr has fallen to the Easterlings and their leaders. The guards of the tower should be defeated.

Objective 1

The Fallen Rohirrim watchtower is in the north-east corner of their large encampment of Jóshkin Orda to the northof North-torr.

You should defeat the guards of Súth-torr.

Defeated an Easterling Guard (1/6)

Objective 2

Sergeant Guthferth is at North-torr just north of Floodwend.

You should speak with Sergeant Guthferth.

Guthferth: 'Those were no ordinary Easterling guards you killed at that tower; they were the elite guard for the Nazgûl who serves as general in command in this war on the Wold and Rohan.'