Quest:Roving Threat: Gróthurs the Stone Giant

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Roving Threat: Gróthurs the Stone Giant
Level 100
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Authi
Starts at Glóin's Camp
Start Region Misty Mountains
Map Ref [24.7S, 4.1W]
Quest Group Roving Threats
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Stone Giants have no respect for the mountains! They spend all day throwing boulders at each other while trees and animals are flattened and killed without their knowing!

'One particular giant that we call Gróthurs, has made it impossible to venture through these mountains. Could you talk some sense into that imbecile?!'


Beasts of various origins have been causing problems for the dwarves in the Misty Mountains, including Gróthurs, whose endless boulder hurling endangers all mountain explorers.

Objective 1

Gróthurs can be found somewhere in the Misty Mountains.

You should defeat Gróthurs.

Objective 2

Authi can be found in Glóin's Camp in the Misty Mountains.

You should speak with Authi.

Authi: 'How does a Dwarf relax when a boulder flies over a peak, right at him? Well, he doesn't!
'Finally, the infernal racket of that Stone Giant can make way for the sounds of birds and wind. You have done well.'