Quest:Retaking Riverwatch

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Retaking Riverwatch
Level 74
Type Solo
Starts with Grimbold of Grimslade
Starts at Grimbold's Camp
Start Region Gap of Rohan
Map Ref [87.4S, 3.9W]
Quest Group Gap of Rohan: Heathfells
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We need to retake the Riverwatch soon, or the Dunlendings will reinforce it, giving them control of the river.

'If they are able to bring boats up and attack us from the direction of the Ford, as well as the road, matters will not go well for us.

'My men stand ready to assault the Riverwatch at your call. Sound the horn when you believe the time is right for their charge.'


The foothold of Riverwatch is a place of strategic importance to both the Rohirrim and the Dunlendings.

Objective 1

The Riverwatch is a place of strategic importance near the Ford of Isen.

Grimbold has commanded you to take the control of the Riverwatch. Your first step is to eliminate the sentries that guard the western approach.

Objective 2

The Riverwatch is a place of strategic importance near the Ford of Isen.

Grimbold has commanded you to take the control of the Riverwatch.

Objective 3

  • Summon Rohirrim soldiers at the western gate and defeat Neilun

The Riverwatch is a place of strategic importance near the Ford of Isen.

Grimbold has commanded you to take the control of the Riverwatch. You should call forth a band of Rohirrim wardens to charge the top of the Riverwatch and defeat the Dunlending captain, Neilun.

You may summon warriors at Rohirrim banners to aid you

Neilun has been defeated!

Objective 4

  • Talk to Grimbold at the Ford of Isen

Grimbold is at the Ford of Isen.

You should inform Grimbold that the Rohirrim have retaken the Riverwatch.

Grimbold: You have taken the Riverwatch? Well done, <name>. We will soon secure the Ford against anything Dunland can send against us.'