Quest:Rescuing Vengeance
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Level | 28 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Lagorlam |
Starts at | Taur Gonwaith |
Start Region | North Downs |
Map Ref | [14.2S, 41.5W] |
Ends with | Thaliollang |
Ends at | Lin Giliath |
End Region | North Downs |
Map Ref | [13.7S, 44.5W] |
Quest Group | North Downs |
Quest Chain |
Prerequisites: Completed the quest The Wayward Companion Prerequisite for: Inform Esteldín |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'I am pleased to see a face that does not to a troll belong. I came to Taur Gonwaith to seek vengeance on the trolls that attacked the glade of Lin Giliath and murdered my fair friend Lachenn. I can tell you that many of the Stone-trolls that attacked Lin Giliath will never again leave this place. 'The last three I faced proved a challenge, and they had begun arguing how best to cook me when you arrived. You have my thanks. 'Let us leave this place, friend, so I might return to Lin Giliath and tell my friend, Thaliollang, the course of my vengeance.' BackgroundLagorlam, a member of the company of Elves who came north with Gildor Inglorion, entered Taur Gonwaith, seeking revenge against the trolls who attacked Lin Giliath. Objective 1
Lagorlam was injured while visiting his vengeance on the trolls. With his anger saited he has offered to leave Taur Gonwaith with you.
Objective 2
Thaliollang is at Lin Giliath, north-west of Taur Gonwaith. Thaliollang will be pleased to hear that you rescued Lagorlam from the forest of Taur Gonwaith.