Quest:Inform Esteldín
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Level | 28 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Aglardir |
Starts at | Lin Giliath |
Start Region | North Downs |
Map Ref | [13.7S, 44.6W] |
Ends with | Dagoras |
Ends at | Esteldín Forecourt |
End Region | North Downs |
Map Ref | [9.6S, 42.1W] |
Quest Group | North Downs |
Quest Chain |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Far to the north and east, the Dúnedain of the North have established a hidden encampment which they call Esteldín. These Men do their best to fight threats in the North Downs, but their numbers are now too few and the dangers too great. 'If you are willing to go, I would have you complete the original mission of our company. Go to Esteldín and speak with the watch-captain, Dagoras. Tell him that the Nine are abroad and have crossed the River. The Enemy is on the move. 'Esteldín is hidden in the mountains on the border of the Kingsfell and Nan Amlug. This is a message that should not be delayed.' BackgroundYou have helped Aglardir resupply Lin Giliath, but his worries are not yet eased. The original mission of Gildor Inglorion's company remains unfulfilled. Objective 1
Esteldín is north-east of Lin Giliath, hidden within the eastern mountains between the Kingsfell and Nan Amlug. Aglardir has sent you to Dagoras, the watch-captain of Esteldín, to tell him of the passing of the Nazgûl.