Quest:Providing Provisions

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Providing Provisions
Level 148
Type Solo
Starts with Roshat
Starts at Khûtra
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [19.0S, 108.1W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We have more need of supplies, and you've shown a small talent for finding foodstuffs. I wonder if you might find some more food for my village?

'Would you go to the north and collect some elderberries and wheat? The harvesting itself should be easy, but the hills there have many dangers.'


Khûtra Elder Roshat has instructed you to head north from the village into the hills to search for elderberries and wheat. You are to collect them and return to him.

Objective 1

  • Harvest sheaves of wheat (0/6)
  • Collect elderberry bunches (0/10)

Khûtra Elder Roshat asks that you search for food for his village. Berries and wheat can be found to the east of Khûtra.

Harvested sheaves of wheat (6/6)
Collected elderberry bunches (10/10)

Objective 2

Return the food to Khûtra Elder Roshat.

Roshat: 'You have my people's thanks. Their bellies will once again be full tonight because of you. You're more resourceful than you look.'