Quest:Healing Khûtra, Part 2

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Healing Khûtra, Part 2
Level 148
Type Solo
Starts with Ilaya
Starts at Khûtra
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [18.9S, 107.8W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You have a cure from Heshra? It's about time. Our animals are suffering just as much as our people, and between you and I, I prefer the company of the goats.

'Please, help the afflicted goats and pigs here on their way back to good health.'


Speak to Elder Ilaya about administering the improved salve to the livestock in Khûtra.

Objective 1

  • Administered the improved salve to afflicted goats (0/3)

Elder Ilaya has asked that you administer the improved salve to the afflicted goats and pigs in Khûtra. The goats can be found outside the Elder Hall.

Administered salve to diseased Khûtra goats (3/3)

Objective 2

  • Administer salve to sullen diseased pig
  • Administer salve to boisterous diseased pig
  • Administer salve to despondent diseased pig
  • Administer salve to glum diseased pig
  • Administer salve to scheming diseased pig
  • Administer salve to happy diseased pig

You should administer the salve to diseased pigs in Khûtra. They can be found in a pen outside the Elder Hall.

Administered salve to sullen diseased pig
Administered salve to boisterous diseased pig
Administered salve to despondent diseased pig
Administered salve to glum diseased pig
Administered salve to scheming diseased pig
Administered salve to happy diseased pig

Objective 3

  • Speak with Elder Ilaya

Return to Elder Ilaya outside the Elder Hall.

Ilaya: 'Thank you. It warms my heart to see the animals romping, full of energy again. Seems you're running low on that salve. You should see if Heshra has made any more, and then go see Umaris.'