Quest:Peace of Mind

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Peace of Mind
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Boradan
Starts at Amon Lontir
Start Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.3S, 66.2W]
Ends with Boradan
Ends at Amon Lontir
End Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.3S, 66.2W]
Quest Group The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Hail, friend. Judging by your hurried steps, you seem to have much on your mind.

'Why not stay a while and take in the view? The sight of Edhellond to the north is always calming.'


Amon Lontir's use is not limited to times of war and strife.

Objective 1

Boradan has suggested that you look out north towards Edhellond from Amon Lontir.

This spot offers a good view of Edhellond
Smoke from Corsair camp-fires no longer chokes the air around Edhellond

Objective 2

You have taken in the sight of Edhellond at peace.

You should talk to Boradan at Amon Lontir.

Boradan: 'Too many of my waking hours have been spent watching Edhellond with dread in my heart. We would have been no match for the Corsairs there. Perhaps that is cowardly of me to admit, but it is the truth.
'And yet, when I look out towards Edhellond now, I feel hope. Did you hear that the Elves are turning the harbour into a garden? May it remain a safe haven forevermore.
'But Edhellond is not the only place I'd like to point out -- behold Dol Amroth to the west.'

Objective 3

Boradan has suggested that you look out west towards Dol Amroth from Amon Lontir.

This spot offers a good view of Dol Amroth
The waters of the bay glitter, now clear of the Corsairs' dark ships

Objective 4

  • Talk to Boradan

You have taken in the sight of Dol Amroth at peace.

You should talk to Boradan at Amon Lontir.

Boradan: 'Whenever I look at Dol Amroth, a part of me still believes that I will see Corsair ships marring the bay. Despair often overtook me during the war, and I wondered how the city would fall.
'Our troubles are not over, and indeed, some scars may never heal. But we are still here, are we not? We are still here.
'May there be happier days ahead for you, <name>. And should you find yourself plagued by dark thoughts, you are always welcome to return here.'