Quest:Murder on the Wing

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Murder on the Wing
Level 63
Type Solo
Starts with Fuirgam
Starts at Ost Galadh
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [14.5S, 51.3W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'While there do not appear to be Orcs in the ruins surrounding us, the presence of so many crebain disturbs me.

'The Enemy has been known in the past to use them as spies, and while my sentinels will shoot any from the sky that dare come too close, it will be difficult to hide any of our movements from them.

'Perhaps you might enjoy a relaxing hunt? I need their numbers thinned considerably to teach them to fear for their lives should they continue to haunt those ruins.'


Fuirgam believes that the Enemy will use the crebain of Mirkwood as spies against the Malledhrim.

Objective 1

The Wild Ruins lie to the south of Ost Galadh.

Fuirgam has asked you to thin the flocks of crebain that inhabit the Wild Ruins.

Objective 2

Fuirgam is at Ost Galadh, north of the Wild Ruins.

You should tell Fuirgam that the crebain in the Wild Ruins have been dealt with.

Fuirgam: 'Good work, <name>. There is no way we will dispatch all of them, but if enough fall to our arrows then the rest will be forced to keep their distance, and their value as spies to the Enemy will be greatly reduced.'