Quest:Lurking Looters

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Lurking Looters
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Langhár
Starts at Ainhard's Homestead [1]
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [4.7N, 59.5W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Wolf-denes
Quest Chain Goblin Problems
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Be on your guard, <name>. I can still smell some goblins lurking nearby. I suspect they are waiting for us to leave, so they can kill Ainhard and steal from what remains of his home. We will show those cowardly vermin what happens to those who cross the Beornings!'


Goblins are still lurking in the forest near Ainhard's home, waiting for an opportunity to steal from him.

Objective 1

Goblin looters can be found stealthily skulking near Ainhard's homestead.

You should defeat goblin looters.

You have spotted a creature attempting to move stealthily about.
Defeated goblin looters (7/7)

Objective 2

Langhár can be summoned to your side with Langhár's summoning horn.

You should talk to Langhár.

Langhár: 'Hah! That will teach them. The rest should scurry like rats back to the holes from which they crawled!'
  1. See Walkthrough & Notes