Quest:Informing the Masses

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Informing the Masses
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Langhár
Starts at Vegbár
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [8.1N, 58.1W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Wolf-denes
Quest Chain Goblin Problems
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Do you remember those crude drawings we found at Ainhard's homestead? I believe the goblins were going to spread them in Goblin-town in an attempt to sway more of his former followers to the Great Goblin's side. I have them right here. I cannot believe I am entertaining this idea, but perhaps it is worth it to continue the Great Goblin's work?

'Ugh, even the words taste foul to me. But this is one case where it truly seems like we must help the Great Goblin, for he is the lesser of our foes today!'


If the Great Goblin thinks that these drawings will help sway more of Goblin-town to his side, it might be worth trying to deliver them yourself.

Objective 1

Ideal drawing locations can be found inside Goblin-town.

You should place goblin drawings in ideal drawing locations.

Placed goblin drawings (15/15)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You left some of the crude drawings at ideal locations within Goblin-town.

Remote Quest Advance: You have placed many of the goblin drawings inside Goblin-town. Perhaps they will convince some of the goblins to return to the side of the Great Goblin.