Quest:Kêr Izel - Fallen but not Forgotten

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Kêr Izel - Fallen but not Forgotten
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Golusel
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.5W]
Ends with Golusel
Ends at Dol Amroth
End Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.5W]
Quest Chain Dol Amroth - City Watch - Swan-knights
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The Paths of the Dead have long been a forbidden place, but that didn't always stop people from venturing within. Whether by choice, force, or mistake, many have gone into those tunnels and never been heard from again.

'Their bodies, or what is left of their bones, are likely still within Kêr Izel and the caves under that wretched mountain. Bring back whatever you can find, I'd like to ensure they get a proper burial. Kêr Izel is in the Paths of the Dead, far to the north of here.'


Over the years many have entered the Paths of the Dead. None returned.

This quest is in the West Gondor: Dol Amroth category: You are currently underway on or have completed 0 / 6 quests in this category today.

Objective 1

Recover remains from Kêr Izel (0/6)

Fallen adventurers can be found at Kêr Izel, within Paths of the Dead, far to the north of Dol Amroth.

Golusel asked you to return any remains of those you found within the Paths of the Dead.

Objective 2

  • Speak to Golusel

Golusel is in Dol Amroth.

Golusel will be eager to properly bury the remains you have recovered.

Golusel :
'Golusel people deserve a proper burial. I will see to it that they get one. Thank you'