Quest:Kêr Bras - A Message of Courage

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Kêr Bras - A Message of Courage
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Avordur
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.2S, 71.5W]
Ends with Avordur
Ends at Dol Amroth
End Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.2S, 71.5W]
Quest Chain Dol Amroth - City Watch - Swan-knights
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Ruthless Dead now rule the Paths of the Dead. They are Oath-breakers who denied their chance at redemption. Even getting near the Paths of the Dead, you can feel their anger emanating from within.

'Head north, to the Paths of the Dead and venture to Kêr Bras, right into the heart of them. Plant these banners of Gondor within. Let them know we do not fear them.'


The Ruthless Dead prey on the fears of the common man.

This quest is in the West Gondor: Dol Amroth category: You are currently underway on or have completed 0 / 6 quests in this category today.

Objective 1

Plant Bannder at Kêr Bras (0/6)

Kêr Bras is within the Paths of the Dead, far to the north of Dol Amroth.

Avordur asked you to venture to Kêr Bras within the Paths of the Dead and plant several banners of Gondor to show you do not fear the Ruthless Dead.

Objective 2

  • Speak to Avordur

Avordur is in Dol Amroth, far to the south of the Paths of the Dead.

Avordur will be pleased to hear you planted the banners within Kêr Bras.

'Fear is a powerful force. Letting them know it is no longer on their side provides us an advantage.'