Quest:Instance: Flying the Coop -- North Downs

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Instance: Flying the Coop -- North Downs
Level 1
Type Session Play
Starts with George
Starts at Sandson's Farm
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [32.0S, 74.5W]
Quest Group Shire
Quest Text


George feels that help must be found from beyond the Shire to defend against the invading wolves.

Objective 1

  • Talk to creatures of the North Downs

The aurochs yearling can be found amidst the small herd to the south-east of Gatson's farm

George has asked you to speak to the creatures of the North Downs. You should seek out and speak with the aurochs yearling in the North Downs.

Aurochs Yearling: 'Are you here to help me? I'm lost and cannot find my way. Do you know where my mother is?
'The Shire? My mother is in the Shire? Oh, you want me to protect your coops from wolves. No, I couldn't do that. The wolves would eat me.'