Quest:Hunters Without Teeth

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Hunters Without Teeth
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Veithhól
Start Region Wells of Langflood
Map Ref [30.5N, 58.3W]
Quest Chain Wells of Langflood: Misthallow
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Ferocious and cruel, the Anduin Hunters range forth from their den of Veithhól to strike fear into the hearts of those who make their lives here in Misthallow. If you can wrest the teeth from these terrible hunters, perhaps you can ease the minds of these folk.


Anduin Hunters range forth from their den of Veithhól to strike fear into the hearts of those who make their lives here in Misthallow. Collect teeth from these terrible hunters, and perhaps you will prove yourself to those who dwell here.

Objective 1

Wrest the teeth from Anduin Hunters as they range forth from their den of Veithhól. Defeating these foul creatures and claiming a trophy from them can perhaps ease the minds of those live and adventure within Misthallow.

Collected teeth (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Completed


You have defanged a number of Anduin Hunters, and when you show these teeth to the folk of Misthallow they will feel the relief of peace.
Actually, the more you examine the teeth the more fearsome and frightening they appear. Perhaps you will not show these to the people of Misthallow after all, for they are just as likely to strike terror into their hearts. Even so, you have still performed a good deed this day, and the Anduin Hunters are less of a danger than they were, despite their impressive fangs.