Quest:Hidden Under Mist and Talon

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Hidden Under Mist and Talon
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Fanglind
Starts at Thokvist
Start Region Wells of Langflood
Map Ref [25.9N, 58.4W]
Quest Chain Wells of Langflood: Misthallow
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You have witnessed the mist for yourself as you descended into Misthallow. When the fog lowered upon this forest valley in times past, it lingered and never left. This alone makes it difficult for my brethren and I to properly patrol the skies above Misthallow. What moves upon the valley floor remains a mystery to the Eagles.'

Skarding shifts his weight and looks restless.

'That is where my friend Skarding has been a great assistance to both Eagle and Beorning. He has patrolled and defended the valley of Misthallow to great effect.'


A thick layer of mist shrouds much of the valley of Misthallow, making winged surveillance nearly impossible.

Objective 1

Skarding can be found at Thokvist.

You should talk to Skarding.

Skarding: 'Hmm, I would have done this even had you not asked, Fanglind. This is the life I have chosen.'
Skarding clutches one of his Warg pelts, then quickly removes his hand when you notice.
'A gift. Nothing more. The rest are trophies, earned in battle....
'Enough idle chatter, <class>! We must oust Gúrbarash from Lumrog! There are hills under the mist that may give us a proper vantage over the Gundabad encampment. Let us first seek a hill where we might spy the enemy patrol I have tracked.'

Objective 2

  • Scout the first location for Skarding

Locations to scout can be found nearby Thokvist in Misthallow.

You should scout Misthallow for Skarding.

You find no enemy presence here

Objective 3

  • Scout the second location for Skarding
Trolls were here, but quite some time ago

Objective 4

  • Scout the third location for Skarding
You see another Eagle!

Objective 5

  • Greet the eagle with a bow

Egraedir can be found in Misthallow.

You should greet Egraedir.

You bow deeply before Egraedir.
The Eagle stares at you inquisitively

Objective 6

Egraedir can be found in Misthallow.

You should talk to Egraedir.

Egraedir: 'I did not realize others would be looking to perch upon my hill. You seem a little too polite for your own good, traveller. I, Egraedir Claw-catcher, prefer to rest here after a great kill. Now make yourself useful and fetch me some... small stones. Yes, that will do. They must be somewhere on the forest floor.'

Objective 7

  • Gather stones for Egraedir (0/10)

Small stones can be found in Misthallow.

You should gather the stones for Egraedir.

Objective 8

  • Return to Egraedir

Egraedir can be found in Misthallow.

You should return to Egraedir with the stones you have collected.

The Eagle is gone

Objective 9

Fanglind can be found at Thokvist.

You should talk to Fanglind.

Fanglind: 'You met Egraedir? I apologize if he was... rude. Eagles do not always see eye to eye, neither among themselves nor with other, smaller folk. Yes, many of the Eagles follow Lord Gwaihir, living by his own noble code. But there are others, such as my brother Egraedir, who follow none but themselves.'