Quest:Farewell Lyndelby

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Farewell Lyndelby
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Madelgard Túcca
Starts at Lyndelby
Start Region Wells of Langflood
Map Ref [26.9N, 66.6W]
Ends with Fanglind
Ends at Lyndelby
End Region Wells of Langflood
Map Ref [27.1N, 64.7W]
Quest Chain Wells of Langflood: Misthallow
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'From now on, you may call me Maddy. Everyone else in the village does! Hmm, it looks like you mean to depart soon. Have you another adventure afoot?! I'm sure you do! Well, before you leave, you should say good-bye to everyone! It is the neighbourly thing to do after all! Farewell, friend!'


Maddy and all of Lyndelby send well wishes to those who depart their hidden village.

Objective 1

The holbytlan can be found in Lyndelby.

You should wave good-bye to the holbytlan you have met.

Possible responses:

"Bye now! It has been a lovely time indeed!"
"Good-bye, friend!"
"Hmm, it looks like you mean to depart soon. Have you another adventure afoot?!"
"I do hope you come again!"
"I thank you for all that you have done!"
"If you must depart, then I shall keep my good-bye a short one!"
"It was a pleasure to meet you!"
"Leaving so soon?!"
"Safe travels, my friend!"

Objective 2

You should travel over the old stone bridge and leave Lyndelby.

Objective 3

Fanglind can be found near Lyndelby.

You should talk to Fanglind.

Fanglind: 'Greetings <name>. I am surprised the town of Lyndelby greeted you at all. Some of the younger Men who once lived in these parts befriended a few of the holbytlan. They were considered a curiosity, yet with their elusiveness, their presence quickly fell to mere rumours among the Men. We Eagles have kept watch over the holbytlan ever since. All I ask is that you speak to no one of Lyndelby. We wish for the simple lives of the holbytlan to be not disturbed.'