Quest:Evidence of Evil (Góda)

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This page is about the Góda variant. For the variant where the player aids Ingmar, see Quest:Evidence of Evil

Evidence of Evil (Góda)
Level 80
Type Solo
Starts at Maustazg
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [49.4S, 62.6W]
Ends with Góda, mother of Ingbert
Ends at Mead Hall of Eaworth
End Region Entwash Vale
Quest Group Entwash Vale
Quest Chain Eaworth
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While burning the tents of the Orcs at Maustazg, the opportunity has arisen to seek the cause of the Orcs' invasion.

You should search boxes to find evidence of the source of the Orcs' invasion.


While patrolling the Entwash Vale, the opportunity has arisen to seek the cause of the Orcs' invasion.

Objective 1

  • Collect evidence of the invasion

Supply boxes can be found throughout the Orc-camp of Maustazg, east of Eaworth, in the Entwash Vale.

You should search supply boxes for the cause of the Orcs' invasion.

There is nothing of interest in here
You have found the Orcs' orders

Objective 2

Góda is in the Mead Hall of Eaworth, north-west of Maustazg.

You should bring the Orcs' orders back to Góda.

Góda: 'What is this?'
You hand Góda the Orcs' orders. As she reads them, her face reddens.
'You are a gullible fool, <name>. These orders are clearly a deception...they infer that the White Hand of Saruman is behind the invasion and that there is a traitor among us. You have wasted my time!'