Quest:Patching Friendships

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Patching Friendships
Level 80
Type Solo
Starts with Sperling's Sword
Starts at Entwash Vale
Ends with Getfleda
Ends at Eaworth
End Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [47.3S, 63.9W]
Quest Group Entwash Vale
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You found Sperling's toy sword upon the corpse of the drake which mauled the Orc who slew the dog which absconded with the sword to begin with.

You should bring the sword to Sperling.


You found Sperling's toy sword upon the corpse of the drake that mauled the Orc, who slew the dog, which absconded with the sword to begin with.

Objective 1

  • Bring the sword to Sperling at Eaworth
You found what remains of Sperling's sword upon the drake

Objective 2

  • Bring the sword to Sperling at Eaworth

Sperling is at Eaworth, in the Entwash Vale.

You should bring the toy sword to Sperling and explain what happened.

Sperling: 'This is my sword! But it is broken....'
You explain what happened, carefully avoiding mention of Getfleda's other friend while still clearing Brunstan of blame.
'You say it ended up in the belly of a drake? Then I will not be sad, for the sword my father game me helped slay a drake! Thank you!'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Brunstan in Eaworth

Brunstan is in Eaworth.

You should let Brunstan know that you found Sperling's sword.

Brunstan: 'You found Sperling's sword?'
Brunstan looks alarmed.
'I though I had returned it to it was my fault it was lost after all. I must apologize to Sperling at once!'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Getfleda in Eaworth

Getfleda is in Eaworth.

You should return to Getfleda and let her know that all is now well between Brunstan and Sperling.

Getfleda: 'Oh thank you, good <race>! I was afraid Brunstan and Sperling might remain enemies forever.
'And thank you as well for not mentioning my other friend to them. All is well now!'