Quest:Blankets for the Winter

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Blankets for the Winter
Level 80
Type Solo
Starts with Offram
Starts at Eaworth
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [47.1S, 63.9W]
Quest Group Entwash Vale
Quest Chain Eaworth
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The impending siege promises to be a long one. Many of the people of Eaworth will need blankets to keep them warm during the harsh winter.

'Take these hides you collected to the infirmary's sewing-table and make some blankets. You will need to find some thread and needles, as well. For the former, you should speak with Nothgyth in the southern part of the city. For the needles, speak with Ordbéorth...he is somewhat mercenary, but he will provide you with what you need.

'When you have sewn the blankets, distribute them throughout the city, then return to me.'


Offram, pleased by your hunting prowess and offering of meat, hides, and ivory, has more tasks for you.

Objective 1

Offram has given you the hides you need. Thread can be obtained from Nothgyth in the southern part of the city. Ordbéorth in the northern part of the city can provide sewing-needles.

Offram has asked you to collect the hides, thread, and needles necessary to make warm blankets for the people of Eaworth.

Ordbéorth: 'You ask much in this dark time. Nevertheless, I will not have it said that Orbéorth of Eaworth did not do his part to prepare for the siege. here are the needles you requested.'
Collected sewing-needles from Ordbéorth
Nothgyth: 'You have shown kindness to my people...I will gladly provide you with the tread you need.'
Collected spools of thread from Nothgyth

Objective 2

  • Sew warm blankets for the people of Eaworth

infirmary in Eaworth.

Offram asked you to sew warm blankets for the people of Eaworth.

Objective 3

People in need of warm blankets can be found throughout Eaworth.

Offram wants you to deliver the warm blankets you sewed to the people of Eaworth.

Rymenhild: 'Thank you for this gift, <name>. It will bring warmth on cold nights.'
Ermenred: 'We shall make good use of this blanket...thank you!'
Smála: 'My thanks to you...this will be a boon in the coming days!'
Wulfwáru: 'I have lost everything, and you bring me a blanket? A BLANKET?
'Nay, I should not be so hard on you. It is not your fault that Ingbert protects us not.'
Atheric: 'Offram thinks family will need warmth now that your home is gone.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Offram outside the Vendor Hall in Eaworth

Offram stands guard outside the Vendor Hall in Eaworth.

You should let Offram know that you have delivered the blankets as he had asked.

Offram: 'Thank you for your kindness and your diligence, <name>. You are a true friend to Eaworth.'