Quest:Chapter 12.2: The Council of Kings

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Chapter 12.2: The Council of Kings
Level 122
Type Solo
Starts with Tárandil
Starts at Díngarth
Start Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [96.9S, 131.6W]
Ends with Elendil
Ends at Adambel
End Region Mordor Besieged
Map Ref [99.0S, 126.5W]
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 12
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Isildur generally treats me the same as he treats my foster-brothers, but there are limits to his even-handedness. I fear this will be one such case, for there are still many who consider me no true son to the king. I too... there are times I am reminded that he is not truly my own father, and I wish he would listen to my words, pay heed to the advice I give... but he does not.

'Do not misunderstand me! I consider Isildur my true father, for he raised me as his own and I would have it no other way. There is a reason I count my years from the day I was fostered by the king and not from the day of my birth! But there is a sadness about my early years and you will understand if I do not wish to speak of it to you.'

Tárandil falls silent, pondering solutions.

'Yes, I think I have it! Perhaps we can prove we both deserve to attend this council, my friend. There are those in the Dark Lord's service hopeful of attaining glory, and they seek the honour of leading their own patrols. Mordorrim hopefuls gather west of the entrance to Amon Fuin, and hopeful Orcs can be found in and around Mokh Darga. Look for Easterling hopefuls south of the road halfway between Mokh Darga and Barthost. Let us each find some of these hopeful leaders and seize their badges of rank. If we present these trophies we may prove ourselves deserving of attendance at the council!'


Tárandil wants to attend the council of the kings, but he fears it will not be permitted without some evidence that he is deserving.

Objective 1

Patrol leaders, and others who intend to lead such excursions, can be found throughout Parth Daenath. Mordorrim hopefuls gather west of the entrance to Amon Fuin, and hopeful Orcs can be found in and around Mokh Darga. Look for Easterling hopefuls south of the road halfway between Mokh Darga and Barthost.

Tárandil believes that proof of your value to the Great Alliance will gain the two of you entrance to the council of the kings, and he wants you to collect badges of rank belonging to hopeful patrol leaders as proof of that value.

Objective 2

Tárandil is at Adambel, hoping to attend the council of the kings.

Tárandil: 'I am impressed! You managed to acquire three badges? I only obtained one! Will you allow us to combine our trove? Four is better than both three or one, friend. And it is my birthday, after all.
'Let me know if you are ready, and we will see if we can attend to council.'

Objective 3

Tárandil is at Adambel, hoping to attend the council of the kings.

Tárandil: 'I hope this works. It must.'

Objective 4

Vëamacil is at Adambel, dismayed by the result of the council of the kings.

'I cannot believe you get to go on the daring mission and I do not! You are just a <class> and I am the son of a king!

'I cannot believe you get to go on the daring mission and I do not! You are just a woman/man of the wild, and I am the son of a king!

'I cannot believe you get to go on the daring mission and I do not! You are just a <class> and I am the son of a king! If our faith in dwarves was to be rewarded, King Durin would not have been defeated at the hands of the Rhúnhoth! But so he was, and here we are!

'I cannot believe you get to go on the daring mission and I do not! You are just a <class> and I am the son of a king! Is this because you are an Elf? Does my father have so little faith in his own people that he must trust in yours?

'I cannot believe you get to go on the daring mission and I do not! You are no larger than a <lad/lass>, and I am the son of a king!

'I am sorry, I did not mean that. But you must see that it is unjust! My brothers and I are not afraid! All of us save Tárandil volunteered to accompany the Bright Company, and yet we must remain behind with him, as if his cowardice was our own! If we are going to die when the Ghâzab Bôron arrives, I would much rather die fighting on the offensive within the Dark Tower than back on my heels on this blasted plain!
'If it is a jest, it is a poor one! I cannot believe my father would treat us so. It is not your fault, friend, it is his. I apologize for my words, but my blood is hot. My grandfather wishes to speak with you. Perhaps when you go to him you will ask him to reverse my father's decision and allow my brothers and I to join with the Bright Company on this mission?'

Objective 5

High King Elendil is at Adambel, and has asked to speak with you.

Vëamacil: 'Go to my grandfather, then. I have nothing more to say to you.'
Elendil: 'I see the weariness in you, though you seek to hide it. Let us speak about the task to come, and why you were selected to join with the Bright Company on this mission and my grandsons were not.'