Quest:Blinding the Watching-stones
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Level | 108 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Spakorth |
Starts at | Blozronk |
Start Region | Dor Amarth |
Map Ref | [47.6S, 13.5E] |
Ends with | Spakorth |
Ends at | Lûghash |
End Region | Dor Amarth |
Map Ref | [45.0S, 16.0E] |
Quest Group | Mordor: Dor Amarth |
Walkthrough & Notes |
There are a number of Watching-stones along the road that you must approach and release the Unbound Fell Spirits. |
Rewards |
Selectable Rewards: |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Lûghash rises to the east, nestled within a rocky hill atop a deep valley. Alas, the Stout-axes are not the only ones in service of the Mistress of Lûghash...' 'You see, Mistress Zôreth has grown emboldened since the fall of the Dark Lord, and she has drawn many vile spirits into the watching-stones of this land. 'Through their eyes, both servants and foes are revealed...and their designs exposed. She is distrustful, even of her own kin, and so she instead wields her spirits as servants and spies. In this way, she seeks to find the resting places of the Dark Lord's most powerful trinkets. We Stout-axes think it a foolish search and we would have no part of it...were the choice ours! 'If you wish to come to Lûghash, you must challenge her watching-stones and banish the spirits from them! If you do not, she shall soon know of you and Gimli! 'When it is done and her spirits have been cast back to the shadows, I shall meet you at the lower gates of Lûghash!' BackgroundZôreth, Mistress of Lûghash, has bound foul spirits to many of the intact watching-stones in Dor Amarth, and now they keep watch on her servants and foes alike. Objective 1
Zôreth's watching-stones can be found along the causeway to Lûghash and Barad-dûr in Dor Amarth. Spakorth has asked you to challenge Zôreth's watching-stones and drive out the evil spirits bound to them.
Objective 2
Spakorth can be found outside the lower gates to Lûghash in Dor Amarth. You have forced Zôreth's fell spirits from the watching-stones, but some appear to have returned to her keeping in Lûghash. You should meet with Spakorth and tell him what has happened.