Quest:An Eastern Trek

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An Eastern Trek
Level 40
Type Solo
Starts with Merileg
Starts at Eitheldir
Start Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [35.9S, 22.5W]
Ends with Thalathril
Ends at Tham Lumren
End Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [38.7S, 17.3W]
Quest Group The Angle
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Between Elladan's note and your accomplishments here, I am willing to trust you with a task, if you are willing. Take this report to Thalathril. She is at Tham Lumren, a camp in the northeastern part of this land. Your assistance in this will mean that I can continue my watch here, yet still provide her with the information she needs. It is highly probable that she could use your help as well.'


Though passage into the Angle is complicated by the rivers that border it, the Elves of Rivendell are concerned by the increased presence of the Enemy's servants.

Objective 1

Tham Lumren is in the northeast Angle.

You should look for Thalathril at the the Elven camp, Tham Lumren.

This must be the camp!

Objective 2

  • Speak to the guard

Tham Lumren is in the northeast Angle.

Merileg has asked you to bring a report to Tham Lumren, but the way is guarded. You should speak to the guards to gain entry.

Baradis: 'Daro! What brings you to Tham Lumren, [Elf, High Elf: sibling] [non-Elf: stranger]?'
You show the guard the report.
'Elladan and Merileg have sent you to us, I see. You will find Thalathril in the large tent.'

Objective 3

Thalathril is near the large tent in the Elven camp.

You should speak to Thalathril.

Thalathril: 'Who are you? I do not recognize you.'
You hand her the report, which she looks over.
'I see. It would be false of me to say that your assistance was not welcome at this time. We can use your help here, stranger.'